
Download Zone

Download the latest Stanford Baseball wallpaper for your computer at work or at home. Show everyone that you support the Cardinal! Read below for instructions on downloading your favorite wallpapers. Check back for new and latest wallpapers.

2003-04 Wallpapers (1024 x 768):

2002-2003 Wallpapers (1024 x 768):


PC Users :
1) Click on the resolution size for your monitor to see to the full-size image in your browser.
2) Right-click on the image and select "Set As Wallpaper" from the pop-up menu to make the image directly into wallpaper.
2) Select "Save Image As..." and save it to the "Windows" directory; then in the "Display" Control Panel, choose "Background," and in the "Wallpaper" window, choose the new picture and click "OK."

Mac Users:
1) Click on the resolution size for your monitor to see to the full-size image in your browser.
2) Click and hold on the image, then choose "Save This Image As..." and save the image to your hard
3) In your Desktop Pictures control panel, choose "Select Picture" (if you already have a picture, click
"Remove Picture" first, then "Select Picture") and choose the image.
4) Click "Set Desktop" and close the control panel.

Instant Messengers Buddy Icons:
Note: The buddy icons are authorized solely for use as instant messaging buddy icons. Any other use is strictly prohibited.
PC Users: Click the image to set it as your AIM icon!
Mac Users: Click and hold on the image, then choose "Save This Image As..." and save the image to the 'Buddy Icons' folder. You can find the 'Buddy Icon' folder within the 'AIM Files' folder of your AOL Instant Messenger.

su_baseball_aim_icon.gif       su_block_s_aim_icon.gif       su_EI_aim_icon.gif       su_tree_aim_icon.gif