  • Hometown: Carlisle, Massachusetts
  • Favorite sport to watch: Stanford Women's Basketball
  • Favorite sport(s) to play: I might be the only non-athlete in the entire Athletics Department! I played basketball in 6th grade.
  • Favorite Stanford student-athlete(s): Ashten Prechtel, or as my 3 year old granddaughter refers to her, Ashten Pretzel
  • Most memorable Stanford sports experience: When my granddaughter heard the announcer say, "Number 11, Ashten Prechtel!" and with this incredulous epiphany realizes that "One One" is actually Eleven!
  • Favorite movie: all movies except horror
  • Favorite food: See's Candy, Nuts and Chews
  • Favorite book: Where The Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls
  • Favorite subject(s) in school: high school = Chemistry, Stanford = Sleep and Dreams with Dr. Dement
  • Favorite place(s) to travel: Hawaii and Maine
  • Live sporting event at the top of your bucket list: being there when women's basketball team wins a National Championship