
Post-Game Quotes

Recap | Box Score

Cal State Fullerton coach George Horton
(On the game) I just think we got out-played tonight. In our program, we try to break the game down into three categories: playing catch, throwing strikes and hitting the ball. Stanford just did that better than we did. You can't make five errors against a team like that and expect to win.

(On Stanford pitcher Jason Young) Young was tough. He was in the zone when we weren't swinging and was out of the zone when we were, and that's called good pitching. The guy on our team who looking out of character was (Aaron) Rifkin. He took a hanging slider then swung at one in the dirt for strike three. (Stanford pitching coach) Tom Dutton called a good game. When our guys were sitting hard he went slow, and when we were looking slow he went hard.

(On the failed pickoff plays) Like I told our players, we got a lot of crucial outs in the regionals on those plays and were not going to back out of our game. (Stanford's Joe) Borchard was sitting on a 3-1 count with the bases loaded and he had just hit the last one to the zoo, so I thought that was a pretty good call. We're going to do those again.

Cal State Fullerton pitcher Adam Johnson
(On not having pitched in two weeks) I don't think rust had anything to do with it. I just didn't do what I needed to do. Early in the year (against Stanford) I got a lot of first-pitch strikes. Tonight I didn't do that and made a lot of mistakes.

Stanford coach Mark Marquess
(On the game) It was a big win for us. It was a great pitching performance for us by Jason (Young). All three of his pitches were working. I thought we hit the ball well for the first time in weeks. We played solid defense, except for the one error. When Jason had to come up with the big pitch, he had it.

(on his pitching rotation and when Young could pitch again) We have our pitchers play catch and see how they feel. They tell me before the game if their arm is live or not. We think it has helped us that our starters only pitch once a week.

Stanford Third Baseman Josh Hochgesang
(on whether he considered attending Cal State Fullerton) Actually I live about five minutes away from Cal State Fullerton. I have all the respect for Coach Horton and his program, but somehow I always got good grades in high school. If a school like Stanford that combines good academics and athletics was going to recruit me, and I was going to stay in California, I was going to choose Stanford.

Stanford Pitcher Jason Young
(on when he could pitch again in the series) So far I have been able to bounce back pretty well during the season. There were few Sundays I wasn't able to go out of the pen.

(on pitching against Adam Johnson) I knew he was going to do his job, and I had to do mine. I started to find my changeup in the fifth inning and that really helped. I can't say enough about the defense behind me.

Stanford Rightfielder Joe Borchard
(hitting vs. Adam Johnson) We had a good approach tonight. Earlier this year when we first faced Johnson, we were a much different team than we are now. We know we can hit the ball and we did it tonight.

Stanford Centerfielder Edmund Murth
(hitting vs. Johnson) When we need to hit, we hit and we need to pitch, we pitch. We faced a lot of good pitching in the Pac-10 this year.