
Postgame Quotes

Stanford head coach Mark Marquess(on the game)
I thought they (Florida State) played a great game. We couldn't stop them offensively. I think we were talking the other night about how we got the clutch hits in the game. I think it was a turnabout from the last time. We couldn't stop them. They did a good job of putting the ball into play.

(on going to the bullpen)
I was trying to get someone to stop them. I think you have to give the credit to them. They hit everything we threw at them. Brian (Sager) appeared to be a little rusty. His control wasn't as sharp as it has been. But, they didn't hit just one guy. They hit everyone we threw at them.

Stanford starting pitcher Brian Sager(on his performance)
Mechanically I couldn't get into a grove. I was not getting ahead of hitters. I think I was a little bit rusty after not working for a while. I wasn't able to pitch ahead. It seemed as if I was always working from behind.

Stanford third baseman Josh Hochgesang(on Zach Diaz' relief work)
He did a good job. After they took the lead, he kept throwing strikes. We could never get the big hit.

(on tomorrow's game)
They just out-hit us tonight. They did a better job. We just have to play the way we can. I think if you ask all of our teammates they will tell you we can swing the bat better than we did tonight. We need to play with a little more intensity and get the timely hits.

Florida State head coach Mike Martin(on the game) It's a shame that we can't enjoy this game for a long period of time. Stanford is a great baseball team. So is Florida State. We had some outstanding at-bats tonight. It was a game which you wish you could dwell on for a long time, but you just can't right now. It's fun to be where we are right now.

(on any sense of tension on bench after falling behind)
Anytime you're dealing with a group of 18 to 22 year-old men, emotions are like a roller coaster. They were a little moody when they got four runs down. It gave us a tremendous lift coming back against Stanford, they're a good team.

Florida State designated hitter Sam Scott(on his six inning home run) I think it was a fastball. I was just trying to hit the ball hard. I lucked out and got the ball in the air.

Florida State relief pitcher Zach Diaz(on coming in the fifth inning) I was just thinking I'd better get outs real quick. They had a guy in scoring position and I just had to them out of there.

(on his key to success tonight)
I'd like to say get ahead of the hitters early, but that didn't happen. Fortunately when they hit it hard, it was at people.