Women's Lacrosse

Women's Lacrosse Falls to Cal in Season Opener

February 20, 1999

STANFORD, Calif. - The Cardinal couldn't hold on long enough to come up with the win in theirseason opener against Cal. It wasn't the type of day that you imagineplaying lacrosse. The rain began before the team even took the field andcontinued heavily throughout the game. The field was water logged, and itwas difficult to maintain footing. Still, the fans got what they paidfor.... it was an exciting game.

Stanford and Cal ended the first half deadlocked at four goals a piece.The two teams tossed the lead back and forth until the last 10 minutes ofthe game when Stanford went up 9-7. The Cardinal underestimated theintensity of the Cal Bears, and they answered quickly with two goals to tieup the game with one minute remaining (9-9).

The draw went up....and Cal fast-breaked to take the lead 10-9 with 30seconds remaining. Stanford gave never gave up, even in the last secondsof the game. Freshman, Caroline Osterwise, took a shot that passed thegoalie and hit the post. The whistle blew, and the game was over.

Stanford was led by the incredible play of sophomore, Katharine Barnes,with five goals. The defense dominated and showcased the tenacious play offreshman, Jenny Silverman.

Next up.....The Home Opener against Davis on February 27 @ 1pm on MaloneyField