Women's Lacrosse

Stanford Wins One Of Three Over Weekend

April 4, 2000

STANFORD, Calif. - The Cardinal women split the first two games this weekend, crushing St. Mary's 10-4 and losing to Denver, 14-16 in overtime, but lost again at UC-Davis, 13-16. In Friday's game six different Stanford players added goals and goalkeeper Rachael Neumann recorded six saves. Due to an injury received during this game, Neumann will be out of commission for an unknown amount of time.

Saturday's match-up proved fairly even between the Cardinal and the Pioneers, with nearly every goal answered by either team. Denver pulled ahead in overtime, however, with freshman Mariana Spry scoring two goals and Pioneer defense keeping the Cardinal scoreless. Leading Stanford, junior Katharine Barnes and sophomore Caroline Osterwise tallied four goals each. Freshman Catherine Hunt stepped into the goal for the team and recorded nine saves.

On Sunday, Barnes and Osterwise led the team again with three goals each, while sophomore Sara Lev added three assists. The Cardinal maintained constant pressure on the Aggies and kept them to six goals in the second half, but the damage from the first had already been done. The Cardinal now stands at 6-7 on the season, with Caroline Osterwise as the offensive leader with 25 goals and 31 assists. Stanford hosts the Western States Tournament next weekend, all day both Saturday and Sunday.

3/31- 1 2
Stanford: 6 4 = 10
St. Mary's: 1 3 = 4

Stanford: Barnes 2, Dietrich 2, Osterwise 2, Sawyer 2, Rodriguez 1, Silverman 1
St. Mary's: Boyle 2, Bryan 1, Klingmueller 1
Saves: Neumann (S) 6

4/1- 1 2 OT
Stanford 7 7 0 = 14
Denver 6 8 2 = 16

Stanford: Barnes 4, Osterwise 4, Born 3, Rodriguez 2, Lev 1
Denver: Bodick 5, Cook 5, Spry 3, Evans 1, Hovey 1, Lapotosky 1
Saves: Hunt (S) 9

4/2- 1 2
Stanford 7 6 = 13
UC-Davis 10 6 = 16

Stanford: Barnes 3, Osterwise 3, Britt 2, Silverman 2, Rodriguez 1, Lanese 1, Cahill 1
UD-Davis: Ngoon 5, Snyder 3, Stonebarger 2, Breyer 2, Rivett 2, Lurle 1, Roberts 1
Saves: Hunt (S) 6