
Stanford Baseball Post-Game Quotes

May 27, 2000

Recap|Box Score

Game 4
Sunken Diamond
#1 Stanford vs. #2 Alabama


Head Coach Mark Marquess (opening comments):
"Obviously it was atremendous win and exciting baseball game, probably a little bit tooexciting. It was a great effort. It was a very gutty effort by JustinWayne, especially after giving up those six runs. He finished it out andstayed focused. The big hit by Joe. We overcame the frustration havingthe bases loaded in the first inning and not getting a score. A coupleother times we had the bases loaded and couldn't get a hit and a lot oftimes that will break your back. It didn't for our offense today. I amproud of the way that they responded. They eventually got some clutchhits. Cormier pitched unbelievable. Once we thought we could sit on hisfastball, he threw a breaking ball for a strike."

(on ejection):
"I think it was a situation where he was hearingsomething from our bench. He wasn't hearing it from me. He ahd heardenough from the bench. That was basically it. I said a few things to himand he threw me out which is fine. There is close pitches and everybodyis pretty excited. That was not the difference in the game."

Andy Topham (on Heath still in there in 9th):
"Not really. In the at batbefore he made me look pretty bad before and I figured he could do itagain."

Justin Wayne (on pitch after ejection):
"It was an awkward moment, verycontroversial pitch. On a pitch like that I am just going to come backin and try to go after them and they knew that and he took a real goodhack at it. But the difference was that we stayed with it. As soon as itwent out, Craig Thompson came and said 'We'll score three runs.'"

Joe Borchard (on 9th inning HR):
"I was trying to cover my neck from mylack of production earlier in the game. I was the main culprit for ourinability to score in our early opportunities. I didn't want to go backin to that dugout if I struck out again."

(on what thinking on HR):
"It's tough to say. It happens so fast thatyou forget about everything and just play. You kind of wish that everysituation can be like that. He gave me a good pitch to hit and I wasfortunate to make contact."


Head Coach Jim Wells (on staying with Heath):
"That is what I feelterrible about. He has been our closer all year. You feel that is yourbest bet, that they would hit it at somebody. I guess I should have goneto some other guys. I regret that. He has done the job for us that lasthalf of the year. I was sure we would get out of it tied up, but itdidnt work out that way."

(on next game):
"We have been in the situation here before. It'sdifficult, but I feel we will boounce back and play well."

(on starting Cormier):
"He did a great job. He really has the best stuffon the team, and it is a matter of throwing strikes and not walkinganybody. He was certainly teh best guy we had available to beat Stanfordand he did a good job. He pitched out of some tough jams.

(on McLanahan):
"He has struggled with the bat and he has been sittingfor awhile. During BP he was very strong. He had a great day. He hit ahome run that put us up. I was really proud of his effort.

(on Justin Wayne):
"He is a typical Stanford pitcher - high draft pick,in command of three good pitches. He threw a lot of pitches out theretonight. He is good. With (Young), they are interchangeable, a typicalStanford staff."

Lance Cormier (on what was working):
"No certain pitch. I tried tobattle through everything. The fastball was usually there and Istruggled with my breaking ball."

(on starting):
"I found out this mornign early. I was excited. This iswhat you play for, to play the best team. Stanford is clearly one of thebest teams in teh country and that is what you play for. Growing up youwant to beat someone like that. I gave it my best."

(on emotional swing of game):
"Anything can happen that is why we playthe game. Tehy got hot real quick and all it takes is somebody gettinghot and others start believing."