
Baseball Postgame Quotes

June 2, 2000

Recap|Box Score

June 2, 2000 (7:00 p.m.) - Game 1
Sunken Diamond


Head Coach Dave Van Horn (on Stanford starting pitcher Jason Young):
"Ithought Jason was tremendous the first three innings and I didn't thinkwe were going to touch him. But I thought that our hitters did a goodjob making adjustments. We tried to just go with pitches and stay offthe off speed pitches."

(on having a one game lead):
"We have to go out tomorrow a take the sameapproach. We haven't done a thing yet and we have to remain focussed."

(on bringing in relief pitcher R.D. Spiehs):
"I thought it was a realeasy decision. Trevor Bullock was coming off only four days rest, whenhe is usually use to six or seven days rest. We're coming off a regionalwhere we had rain and he through a comlete game. He didn't have his zipon his fastball or location on his pitches. R.D. had a fresh arm and wehad him ready for the third or fourth inning."

Pitcher R.D. Spiehs (how this ranked on his performances this season):
"This was one of the best performances of the season for me this season.They are a great hitting team and I just got a lot of players out withdouble plays and the defense made the plays behind me."

OF Adam Stern (on the team's performance):
"We had a lot of pressure onus out there. But we have to go out there tomorrow and go after theseguys. It is always great to look ahead, but we can't look past the nextgame."

OF Jamal Strong:
"We came out tonight with a lot of confidence. We wereable to get key hits and the defense played well for us. We came awaywith a key game tonight."


Head Coach Mark Marquess (opening comments):
"Obviously we aredisappointed. I don't think we played very well tonight but creidt hasto go to Nebraska. They played well, good solid defense, with theexception of the one throwing error in the first inning. We had somechances with guys on base and the bases loaded in the first and got onlyone. They capitalized on their opportunities, a big hit in the seventhinning with four runs. I am very impressed with their team. Both theirpitchers did a good job. It was a tough night for us but Nebraska getscredit for playing well."

(on any nerves?):
"I really don't think so. Not with this team. We havebeen through it before. It was a culmination that we did not play wellbut Nebraska pitched well and capitalized on their opportunities againstJason. He had good stuff, quite a few strikeouts. When they had runnerson they got them in."

(on the errors in the 3rd inn.):
"You don't win as many games as we haveall seasno and play sloppy but we did there in that one inning. Thethrowing error by Bruntlett was because their centerfielder get reallyget down the line, so he had to hurry the throw. That has to do withspeed. We were real sloppy and usually don't play like that. If you givethem an extra out at this stage of the season, you are going to getbeat."

(on four runs in 8th):
"We gave them too much. We walked two and hitone. Jason was getting tired. In hindsight I should have gotten him outof there earlier but he has pitched so great for us all season. He canstick it out a little late. We gave them that inning. They tookadvantage of it and that is a credit to them.

(on Nebraska edge with them not been to Omaha in so long):
"They areexcited. They had a great season and it would be great for them to go toOmaha and great for the World Series, but our team is not any lessexcited. We are not just happy to be here. They don't want it more thanwe do. Obviously they want it and they have played well and so have we.It is not a lack of motivation on our part.

Jason Young (on how did you feel):
"I felt pretty good. I got a littlebit tired at the end. I don't know why. It is the nature of the game.Those innings that I got tired it was an opportunity for me to battle. Idid that pitch by pitch, inning by inning, and did all I could do keepus in the game. It all fell apart in one inning. It is unfortunate butsometimes those things happen."

(drained by errors in field?):
"I had great stuff early in the game. Itwasn't the errors that took it out of me. They have been doing it thewhole year for me. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them behind me.I had an up and down year and let them play behind me. I can't tell youwhat it is. I just got tired.