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Sam Fuld Chat Wrap

April 19, 2001

stanford.gifSam Fuld at 3:35pm ET
Hey, this is Sam, I'm ready to answer your questions.

Denns NH from [], at 3:36pm ET
What part of your game do you feel is most improved since last year? We're all proud of you Samstanford.gif at 3:37pm ET
I would have to say that my baserunning has been most improved since moving on to college.jkyanks3 from [], at 3:38pm ET
I'm a senior in high school and a top prospect in new york state for many college teams...How did u make your decision as to what school to play for, because i am having trouble decidingstanford.gif at 3:40pm ET
The first thing I wanted was a school with good academics, because I know there is life after baseball. Second, I wanted to find a school with good baseball and one where I knew I would fit in and feel comfortable.Eric Seidel from [], at 3:41pm ET
Hey Sammy, how 'bout those Sox guy??stanford.gif at 3:42pm ET
The Red Sox are a force to be reckoned with. Watch out for them when Nomaaa comes back.Joe Koshansky from [], at 3:42pm ET
Who has taught you the most about baseball? Any coaches in particular? What teammates have taught you the most (at Stanford or from the past)?stanford.gif at 3:45pm ET
First and foremost my Dad has been my most influential coach. But I have also been very fortunate to have been coached by numerous great coaches- Coach Dennehy, Gale, Callum, Quint, just to name a few. Thanks to all of my coaches.Tony from [], at 3:46pm ET
Hey Sam, My name is Tony Mallozzi and I play for Cushing Academy. Yes the team that beat you last year in New Englands, I had to say that! I was the Centerfielder like you were. I can remeber getting under your ball at Exeter @460 ft you were so mad that I caught it. I guess it helps when you watch someone hit batting practice. I just wanted to congradulate you on your succes @ stanford you really doing well. Did you change you swing at all? Shorten up? I going to UCONN next year and I just wanted some pointers from you if you don't mined so I can ajust to the pitching. Thanks alot GOOD Luck! amallozzi@cushing.orgstanford.gif at 3:48pm ET
Thanks, Tony. Good luck to you this year. I have tinkered with my swing a little bit, mainly shortening it and keeping my weight back better, but if I had to give you advice, stick with what has worked so far and you will continue to be successful.Whitey from [], at 3:49pm ET
What was the toughest transition arriving at stanford for you, either baseball or personally?stanford.gif at 3:52pm ET
I would have to say the time commitment- baseball leaves little time for work and socializing, so you must learn to budget time. See ya soon, Whitey.Mike Johnson from [], at 3:53pm ET
Hey Sam, just wanted to say that all of us here in Omaha are eagerly awaiting your arrival. Can't wait for another wonderful CWS, and hopefully another Stanford championship to add to the history of the program. Any thoughts on Omaha, and what it means to college players all over the country?stanford.gif at 3:55pm ET
Obviously getting to Omaha is our primary goal, and is the dream of every college baseball player. Since I have yet to go there, I can't say what it is like, but what I hear from teammates, it sounds like an unforgettable experience.ChrisQuint from [], at 3:56pm ET
Sammy, Congrats on your success. Saw you at ASU and you played great. Who do you think will win the pac-10stanford.gif at 3:57pm ET
Thanks, Chris, nice hearing from you. Although the Pac-10 is very strong top to bottom, I think we have what it takes to win the league.Vaughan Coder from [], at 3:59pm ET
hi sam do you have any tips for me for batting im from exeter and im 10 years oldstanford.gif at 4:00pm ET
Hi Vaughan. Just work hard, swing hard, and listen to your mother.David Eitler from [], at 4:02pm ET
Just wanted to wish you good luck Sam! I've been listening to you're games on KZSU... your campus radio station. What do you attribute your great hitting streak to? it looks like you've changed your stance a bit?stanford.gif at 4:04pm ET
Thanks, David. The number one thing I account for my hitting streak is confidence. I have changed my stance a little, but it has primarily been my belief that I can get a hit every time I step up to the plate.NJSteve from [], at 4:04pm ET
Stanford seems to have a lot of talented underclassmen. Do you think you could be a part of a dynasty?stanford.gif at 4:06pm ET
I am fortunate enough to be with a lot of great ballplayers, both old and young. There is no doubt in my mind that we can be part of something special here in the next few years.stanford.gif at 4:07pm ET
Okay, guys, I only have time for one more question. Sorry if I didn't get to all of them, and thank you for all the support.Kyle from [], at 4:09pm ET
how big of a step up is it going from high to the college ranks? what do you contribute your success to more, talent or work ethic?stanford.gif at 4:11pm ET
It was a huge step going from high school baseball in New England to Div 1 baseball- the pitching is now excellent every game compared to facing only an occasional great pitcher in high school. I think my work ethic has helped me tremendously.stanford.gif at 4:12pm ET
Thanks everybody. Hi Mom and Dad and Annie. See you all on the East Coast soon.