Women's Lacrosse

Cardinal Tops Gaels In First Playoff Round

April 28, 2001

Moraga, CA - In the WWLL North Division playoffs, Stanford handed St. Mary's a 12-9 loss at St. Mary's Stadium. The Cardinal is now 12-5 overall, 7-0 WWLL and will head to the WWLL Final Four next weekend at Berkeley. This marks Stanford third defeat of the Gaels this season including a 15-7 victory on April 18 to close out the regular season.

The Gaels scored the first goal at 1:10 into the first half, their only lead of the game. Two minutes later freshman Abbi Hills (Lakewood, CO/Colorado Academy) put in the first Stanford goal, which was quickly followed by a goal from sophomore Liz Lanese (St. Louis, MO/Mary Institute & St. Louis CDS) and another from senior tri-captain Katharine Barnes (Northhampton, MA/Deerfield Academy). The Cardinal then matched the next three goals by St. Mary's and went into halftime ahead 7-4. Junior tri-captain Caroline Osterwise (Villanova, PA/Harriton HS) put in a goal at 0:24 to start the second half and Stanford kept the Gaels at least two goals away for the rest of the game.

Barnes finished the game with 4 goals to lead to the team and Lanese and Hills each recorded three goals. Junior Liz Britt (Summit, NJ/Summit HS) added one goal for the Cardinal and Osterwise had 1 goal and 1 assist. This win takes Stanford to the WWLL Final Four next Saturday where they will face one of the winners from this week's South Division playoffs, game time to be announced.

Scoring Summary

1 2 -- F
Stanford 7 5 12
St. Mary's 4 5 9

Goals: S - Barnes 4, Hills 3, Lanese 3, Britt, Osterwise.
St.M - Bryan 3, Davidge 2, Back, Kilingmueller, Spencer

Assists: S - Lanese, Osterwise
St.M - Davidge