Men's Basketball

Post Game Quotes

Recap|Box Score

Stanford Head Coach Mike Montgomery:
Opening Statement - That was a hard fought win and we'll take it. This was a nice weekend. We were not as attentive as we'd like to be, which is natural coming off Thursday's win. Oregon State contributed to that with smart play. We talked going into the game about being patient and I thought we did a nice job with that. It wasn't pretty, but we'll take it. Teyo Johnson did a nice job and gave us what we needed. Chris Hernandez came off the bench and gave us some great defense - also what we needed. It looked dicey there for a while, but we had a good weekend. We are positioned where we need to be. There are five teams tied for third in the Pac-10 and whichever team can continue to stay focused down the line will take it.

Were you concerned about a let down after Thursday?
I wasn't sure the mental concentration would be there. Sure, you're concerned going in - it's natural to not be at the same level of intensity, but I kept telling them how well Oregon State has been playing down the stretch.

What is your strategy at power forward?
Well, Joe Kirchofer did a nice job for us. There are times when he can really help us. With the way they were playing tonight, I'm not sure it was Joe's cup of tea. They were smaller, so it might have been a better fit for Teyo. I don't care who starts, I just want to put someone in there who can play and I'll keep trying until I can find someone that can get the job done.