Women's Basketball

Postgame Quotes

March 23, 2002

Recap|Box Score

Stanford Players:

Haven't had a close game in a while, how did that impact you?
Lindsey Yamasaki: We go over things like that in practice, sometimes you get them, sometimes you don't. We had a couple shots down the end that just didn't fall for us.

Did you get the shots you wanted?
Lindsey Yamasaki: I felt like we had opportunities to get good shots. I took a shot that wasn't necessary and should have used the clock and took a better shot.

Nicole, you had 6 TO in the first half, were they doing something unexpected?
Nicole Powell: Colorado played very aggressive. I tried to do too much too soon. I forced some things, and it may have hurt my team. I need to learn from these mistakes.

Lindsey, talk about the first half and your career at Stanford.
Lindsey Yamasaki: I feel that we pressed a little too hard in the beginning. I was a little tight. I feel that our team depends a lot on Nicole and I and maybe for us to start off slow was not what we needed. It may have given us more confidence down the stretch. It's unfortunate that I have to end my career on something like this. Especially being a senior, I was hoping I could come through.

Colorado Players:

Checking the clock, did it work to your advantage?
Randie Wirt: a little jittery at first, but I feel I would have made them anyway.

Elisha Bohman, were you trying to be physical with Stanford?
Definitely, we were trying to be physical with Powell again and again and try and wear her down and I think we did that. She play's 35 to 40 minutes a game and we wanted to wear her down at the end of the game.

Do you think you guys were struggling on Offense or was it their defense?
T. Bjorklund: for a while I think we couldn't find a rhythm, but once we settled down and ran our offense we were getting a lot more open shots.

Tera, do you think they could stop you? They didn't seem to have an answer for you tonight.
T. Bjorklund: They definitely had to good post players that were really physical. I kept going at them and if I didn't get it the first time then hopefully I would get the follow.

Your guards were shut down size wise today, did you feel any extra pressure?
T. Bjorklund: When guards don't have the shots then we need to step up. I felt like our forwards stepped up and hit big shots.