Strong Finish For Women's Crew at San Diego Crew ClassicStrong Finish For Women's Crew at San Diego Crew Classic
Women's Rowing

Strong Finish For Women's Crew at San Diego Crew Classic

April 6, 2003

San Diego, Calif. - The first varsity raced from lane two between Washington in lane three and California in lane one with USC, WSU, OSU and Texas rounding out the final. The Card got off to a solid start and raced the first half of the race within one second of Cal, UW and USC although they never really hit on all cylinders. In a very exciting push to the line Cal and UW surged ahead in the final 750 meters to finish first and second as Stanford held off USC to finish third. WSU, OSU and Texas finished 5th, 6th and 7th.

The second varsity raced from lane six, the lane that gets hit the hardest from the wind that typically sweeps across the course at this event. The Stanford boat could not settle into a strong rhythm as the they fought the wind and the tough competition. The Card ended up fifth in the event out of 21 second varsity crews.

The Novice women raced in the petite final and placed tenth out of 21 novice crews.

Coach Aimee Baker states, "I am encouraged by the way the team finished this weekend. The squad had its best showing in recent history at the San Diego Crew Classic even though none of the boats felt that they had their best races in the final. The west region is very competitive and we will have to race sharper to finish on top at the Pac-10's in May."

Next up for the team is the Stanford Invitational on April 19th. Stanford will race in dual competition against both Oregon State and Sacramento State with California, UCLA and UC Davis also attending the regatta. Racing begins at 9:00 am and concludes at 12:00 pm.

Results from the SDCC Finals: (For complete results go to

First Varsity Grand Final 1. California 6.42.5 2. Washington 6.42.58 3. Stanford 6.45.65 4. USC 6.46.94 5. WSU 6.52.62 6. OSU 6.54.06 7. Texas 6.59.75

Second Varsity Grand Final 1. Washington 6.48.8 2. WSU 6.50.08 3. California 6.50.15 4. USC 7.03.3 5. Stanford 7.05.52 6. Minnesota 7.13.71

Novice Petite Final 1. St Joseph's 7.14.3 2. UC Davis 7.19.05 3. USC 7.19.74 4. Stanford 7.21.8 5. UCSD 7.27.36 6. USD 7.27.62