Women's Crew Finishes Strong At Head Of The LakeWomen's Crew Finishes Strong At Head Of The Lake
Women's Rowing

Women's Crew Finishes Strong At Head Of The Lake

Nov. 10, 2003

The Women's Varsity eight faced some of the nation's top crews crews as they raced their last race of the fall season today. Starting first in a field of sixteen, including six from the 2003 NCAA's, the Cardinal fought hard for a fourth place finish.

Perennial powerhouse Washington started second behind Stanford and put up a strong fight as they closed the gap during the first half of the race. The Cardinal lengthened the margin back out as the boats rounded the 180 degree turn. As the Stanford boat entered the final 300 meters the boat was moving well but encountered a clump of weeds that got lodged into the rudder of the boat making it impossible to steer. All-American coxswain Wendy Hoeveler managed to get the boat into the finish with one side pulling harder than the other. Washington closed the gap during this time but the Card held them off to finish fourth in a time of 17.29.

Meanwhile, Michigan State moved quickly down the course from their seventh place starting position to win the event in a time of 17.18. University of Victoria(17.21), from Canada, finished second and Virginia (17.26) finished third.

Coach Aimee Baker states, "I am excited with the way that the boat competed today. We have two first boat athletes sidelined due to injury and the entire boat really stepped up with a huge race. Today's performance will be a great motivator for the months of winter training that lie ahead as the team prepares for the spring racing season." For complete results go to:

The Women's Crew team opens their spring season on March 27 against Virginia, Michigan State and Cornell at the Windermere Collegiate Rowing Classic.