
Post-Game Quotes

Recap|Final Stats|Notes|Photo Gallery


On Notre Dame's Fake Punt Late In The Fourth Quarter Ahead 57-7
"At that point it didn't really make a difference. I'm just really embarrassed about the way we played. I thought we were ready to go and that's my responsibility. We gave up a bunch early and when it rained it poured. We're a better football team than we showed. It's just a tough ending for our seniors."

On Notre Dame's Pass Rush
"They did a nice job. We knew that they were talented up front. Their four down players put pressure on us, but we're capable of blocking better than we did. They turned some guys loose in a variety of different spots and that disrupts the quarterback and put us in some tough situations. I thought we straightened it out a little later on, but too little to late."

On Ending The Season With A Two-Game Losing Streak
"To go out like that, we had hoped for better for our seniors, to close out this year and open next year. Our players continued to compete throughout the second half of the game when it was well out of reach, and I admire that in them. The seniors' efforts through the course of the year helped the team progress. We're not at the point we'd like to be, but we'll just go back to work tomorrow and start it again."

On Falling Behind Early To Notre Dame
"We were in disbelief. We came into the game with the intentions of playing our best game, and we ended up playing our worst game. We played with a lot of effort, but we just didn't execute. When we execute we're successful, and when we don't were not. I don't think that anyone laid down. They just jumped on us, and mentally we weren't where we needed to be."

On Letting The Game Get Away From Them
"When we got down by 21-0, we just felt that if we could just score quickly and get the ball back, we'd be right back in it and close the gap. But when we had the fumble and they ran it back for a touchdown, it was just really frustrating and a hard mountain to overcome."

On Falling Behind Early To Notre Dame
"We just didn't come out the way we needed to, and they jumped out quick and it was hard to come back. They have a really good defense."

On The Ups And Downs Of The Season
"There have been ups and downs this season, but the thing that I'm happy about is that the guys came back to work each week. There was a lot of pride throughout the whole team. No matter what was happening, whether we were winning or losing, guys stuck together through the whole ride."


On Today's Game
"We've been waiting for a performance like today's for a while. It's taken us quite some time, and we're still not where we entirely want to be. However, today was an outstanding performance."

On The Emotion Of The Game
"The emotions were before the ballgame and after. I've had the opportunity to see a lot of people that I previously shared the Stanford program with. After the ballgame, I was able to see a lot of my old players. It was not easy."

On Notre Dame Running Back Julius Jones
"He's still got quite a few great performances to go. He's gotten a lot of help from his teammates. Their support has allowed him to accomplish great things."

On The Fake Punt
"What we did was the right thing to do in that situation. You don't like to do it, but if they're going try to make the block and put all the guys in the box to do it, then you've got to make them pay."

On His Touchdown Catch
"We've been running that play all week. I was as surprised as anyone else when they threw the ball to me. It was a surreal feeling. I picked it up late. I was working on the outside shoulder. I couldn't get a good read on the ball, so I just put up my hands and started praying until it went in."

On The Coaches' Attitude
"It was mainly business as usual. There were no major changes. Coming out and winning big at Stanford was a big deal, especially for the coaches, if not ourselves."

On Coach TyroneWillingham And The Notre Dame Coaching Staff Returning To Stanford
"The coaches went up to the other players after the game and were hugging them. Coach Willingham recruited a bunch of those guys, so they're obviously close. But, he's here in Indiana now and the Notre Dame coach."