Men's Water Polo

LMU 10, Navy 7

Dec. 7, 2003

Recap|Photo Gallery

LMU Head Coach John Loughran
On Defense:
"Ian Elliot made some key saves and we had some defensive stops, especially on their six on five and on their breakaway situations. We were able to stop their front court with good defense from Trevor Wagner and Tamas Szego. Ian had a huge game for us coming up with some key saves in crucial moments in the game. I though that if they had gotten within one, when we were only up by two, they had really closed the gap and could have tied the game but we stayed strong and kept scoring those key goals."

On Offense:
"I thought, top to bottom, in the game offensively we scored goals when we needed to. Endre Rex-Kiss stepped up real big. Our six on five was really working. Tamas Szego had a great couple of goals early in the game and I thought Ryan Chapatte had a great game as well on offense. Kris Barr was playing well until he got his third ejection, and then we had some other people step up in his position."

LMU Utility Ryan Chapatte
On Team Play:
"I think we played very well as a team today. We were able to pass the ball around and get it to the guy who had the best shot. My teammates and I have had a great year and this third-place finish ends it on a high note."

Navy Head Coach Mike Schofield
"My congratulations go out to Loyola Marymount on a really good season. They did a great job defensively. Their perimeter shooting was the difference in the game. We played extremely hard like always, but we got ahead of ourselves on a couple of scoring opportunities and didn't cash in."

On the Navy squad:
"This is a great group of guys that worked extremely hard all season and we're proud of them."

Navy Driver Tim Fox
"We felt like we were in the game the whole time. Not until the last few moments did we feel it was over. We played our hearts out and left everything in the pool."

Navy Driver Joe Donahue
"A lot of games this season we have gotten down early but we've come back. We were ready today, but we were surprised by some of the calls that went against us. However, we fought back and got back in the game pretty quick. Only until about one minute left did I think it was over."

On the end of the season:
"(Being done) won't hit me for a couple of days or even weeks. It probably won't hit home until after we get back from the Christmas break and we don't have to go to practice. I can't imagine a better group of guys to do this with. We appreciate what each other has gone through the last couple of years and it's special."