
Stanford - Long Beach State Quotes

June 5, 2004

Recap|Box Score|Notes|Photo Gallery


I think we saw the best pitcher in the country today going against one of the bestb clubs in the country. We were worried early on about the pitch count, but we thought he did a good job and from the 3rd inning on he only threw about 50 pitches - I thought that was a key for Jered. 132 is the most he's ever thrown that's why he didn't go out in the 9th. Our bats and our offense were exceptional early off Romanczuk. He's a helluva pitcher and I thought our guys did a really good job of getting to him. I thought we were prepared for him and I thought these guys did a really good job of hitting some mistakes and they just did a real good job of what we hoped they would do. Jered set the tone by being able to stay in the game...

(on the offense)
I thought Troy did a good job today of hitting the ball the other way which we've worked on all year. We try to tell him that and he does good job of that every once in awhile, but the guy has tremendous power to right center and he showed it today. When he figures this whole thing he's gonna be a helluva player, not that he already isn't...

(on possibly facing Stanford tomorrow)
Yeah, I would think so; have they ever lost two in the same day here? That'd be an interesting one to look up, have they ever done that? I probably think we'll see them tomorrow. St. John's is really a scrappy club though, if you watched that first game today, how impressive it was how they came out against Vegas today...It's a good club so Stanford's got their hands full. But they have experience and they have a great club. We're looking forward to it, as we all say, 'we're just glad to be here.'

Cesar Ramos is starting tomorrow.

JUNIOR PITCHER JERED WEAVER (on his success mid-game)
I was kinda leaving the ball up sometimes, having a few mechanical problems, then I kinda figured things out. Everything turned out good; I was a little worried about the pitch count. Early on I got myself into some tough situations, but it was just a matter of battling through it - I just wanted to keep my team in the game, that's my job. Our hitters were unbelievable today, it was fun to sit back and watch and it was fun to be out there on the mound.

(on shutting down Stanford's middle lineup)
One through nine they're all aggressive and they've got an unbelievable lineup. But like I said, my job is to get outs and keep our team in a spot to win the game. And when they scored all those runs it was a big confidence builder for me to try to go out there and not do too much, try to make out and do my part.

(on Romanczuk)
We were roommates after the trials in Arizona, he's a great guy. He's a fierce competitor, he's got good stuff and he got out of there early, so I'm sure we'll see him again this weekend. It'll be a battle definitely.

SOPHOMORE SHORTSTOP TROY TULOWITZKI (on playing at a regional at Stanford)
It's definitely fun, 10 minutes down the road is where I live, so I have a lot friends and family members here. It's exciting. But we came out as a team today and we played hard - it's enjoyable.

JUNIOR THIRDBASEMAN DANNY MOCNY (on beating Stanford being a focus)
I actually went to a camp here when I was in high school and I know about the procedures for this team and the procedures of this team we represent right now. I was glad I could start us off and get our team pumped up.