Women's Tennis

NCAA Championship Post-Match Quotes

May 22, 2005

Recap | Notes

Stanford Head Coach Lele Forood
"We like to think we're pretty tough when we get to the finals. We're very mentally tough."

"I thought today started well and we were propelled by the momentum of our doubles' success."

"There isn't one reason for the streak; every year is different. The teams are different and the situation is different. I don't play the matches, I just coach so I'd also have to say that it's got a lot to do with having some pretty good teams."

"I think from the looks of the scoreboard that all our girls wanted to be the finisher today."

Stanford's Erin Burdette
"No matter how many championships you win, it's always great to come out on top. I would have to say that the excitement I feel after the last point is one of my best memories in collegiate tennis."

Stanford's Amber Liu
"As far as the streak goes I don't think any girl on the team can tell you the exact number of games we've won in a row. Nobody really thinks about it that much. I think the streak and the [Stanford tradition] just gives every player on the team a winning attitude."

"We have a team of six girls who could play No.1 or close to it at any other school."

Stanford's Anne Yelsey
"Each position here, Nos. 1-6, is solid. It's great to play with such great players and such great girls. Even though we're on a streak right now, each match is different."

Texas Head Coach Jeff Moore
"Our players are thrilled with the run. With each round of this tournament we reached a new level. Today we simply ran into a Stanford team that was better, at least today."

"I think this run has helped give us something to shoot for over the summer. Now we can go back and say, `We need to get back to the final' and get a different result."

"The doubles point is always bigger in the finals because fatigue is such a factor. It is also a nice momentum builder."

Texas' Petra Dizdar
"I'm the type of person that I'm really bummed right now that we lost. I was exctied about the tournament though, and it was a great run for our team and myself."

"Today was tough. I felt like my mind was fighting but my body was not cooperating."

"Coming in I hadn't played against (Stanford), and so I came in thinking this is just like any other team we've played. I would say the main difference though is that they have six girls who are all at about the same level and always giving their best. I like how they are still eager to win; they just don't get satisfied."