
Stanford-Notre Dame Football Post-Game Quotes (November 26, 2005)

Recap | Final Stats | Notes

"I'm proud of this football team, to be down and come back like we did. We were competitive."

"The seniors left us a lot of heart and how to fight. We had a poor game last week and came back, re-grouped and played well against a sixth-ranked team."

"Notre Dame has talent. I was hoping we could come up with a stop or turnover, but it wasn't meant to be. We have a lot of work to do to get this football program to a level that is competitive every single week."

"We have two good quarterbacks. In the future, if one gets hurt now the other has experience."

"We need to become more physical. I don't like losing, but I love how our guys fought their way back."

""It was tough to score in that part of the field. Football can be a rollercoaster ride. I was trying to do what I could and get away from their defense."

"It was nice to play in the last game [against Cal], because it didn't take me long to find my rhythm."

"We had a chance. It was a tough loss. Throughout my entire career, this has been the most successful season to date. This was the first season I've felt positive. We had a lot of chances. It was a strong season, and we definitely improved."

"There are no moral victories. You either win or you don't. I expect nothing but good things for this team."

[On leading the post-game prayer]: "One thing I've learned during my time at Stanford is that you thank God for the great times and you thanks God for the not-so-great times. I'm thankful to have the opportunity to be out there and play."

"We had a lot of ups and downs. Obviously, I was disappointed with the first half. We were having problems with the kicking game with DJ not being at full strength. We never really got into sync and it affected some of our play calls as well."

"We went back and forth the whole game, but I think the great thing about this football team is ... earlier in the year, before I got here, I didn't know if they understood how to win games like this."

"The only thing I didn't want to do was have it come down to a field goal, so I just decided no matter what we were going to go for a touchdown."

"Darius [Walker] had a great game. Going in today, we felt this game was going to come down to 7-man protection with a heavy dose of blitz zone, and a lot of Darius. He made a bunch of significant plays, really stepped up and had a big game for us."

"I'm really proud of this football team. You don't win every game by 100 points, it just doesn't work that way. Most teams would have thrown in the towel ... this team had composure."

"I've had a lot of games with this kind of pressure, it's just that they haven't had it. That's the difference. The thing is because the head coach has been in this kind of situation before it has a soothing effect on your team, because they never lose their composure. Ten years ago I would have been a raving maniac, but it's a little different now, and I like to think that rubs off on our players."

"When you get yourself in position to be picked one of the top eight teams in the country, that's a very strong statement for your program."

"I'm not into politicking. We're 9-2 and one of the best teams in the country, and we're going to be in one of the BCS games. I'm not worried about all those other teams because we're going to go somewhere, we're going to make one of those games proud, and we're going to be a great representative."