Women's Tennis

No. 1 Stanford 4, No. 7 Miami 1

May 23, 2006

Recap | Results | Notes

Head Coach Lele Forood
Opening Statement: "We were twitching a little bit in the beginning of the match today, but we got ourselves righted and we had a good performance at No. 2 doubles, which was helping a lot. The ones, it was certainly not their finest day, but they were playing a really good team and they were able to hang in long enough to be able to turn that match around. I'm still not quite sure how they did it, but we got the doubles point taken care of. I think we went out and started to play our game a little bit more in the singles and we certainly broke out to some nice leads, at five and six, especially, and Theresa went out very quickly. That set the tone. Obviously, Audra Cohen played a very well at one, and Banada was giving us a problem at four. But Theresa did a great job."

On the No. 1 doubles match: "More than anything we just wanted to win it [the doubles point], and we still might have at third doubles, but I wanted us to be in there and win some points and feel better about how we were playing out there, and we were able to do that."

Senior Alice Barnes
On the No. 1 doubles match: "It was actually very frustrating, we had some chances early on and we didn't really take them, and then they played well and broke us a couple of times. But at 7-3, we just decided that we were going to go for it. If you're going to lose, you at least want to feel that you attacked and that you went for it and you did the right things. If it doesn't work out and they play big points and you force them to play well, then that's one thing. But if you sit back and let them dictate and you lose it 8-3, then I think our attitude going into singles would have been much worse, our spirits would have been down. So we decided to go for it and luckily, it came up for us."

Senior Amber Liu
On her emotions about her last dual match: "The other seniors and I, we actually started crying. It was weird, it was the opposite reaction that we expected. It was just emotional that it was the last dual match that we'll ever play. It ended on such a great note."

Junior Theresa Logar
On clinching the match: "Everyone dreams about it. It was funny because I had the opportunity to clinch yesterday, and I was like, `Man, I wish I'd clinched.' And then today, I was in the same exact position and I was like, `don't choke, just don't choke.' And it worked out pretty well."

Miami Head Coach Paige Yaroshuk-Tews
"I was very happy with the way our girls came out today and fought. Stanford played a great match. In doubles we had our chance, but maybe the moment got to us a bit."

Audra Cohen
"We went out and were playing our game in the beginning, but got caught up in the moment and it affected the outcome. It's disappointing to know we had the doubles point. It's momentum for the University of Miami. Not a lot of teams have tested Stanford in doubles."

[On the seeds]: "You have to play your game. That's how you're going to win. I have to say we are the feistiest team in the draw."

[On beating Amber Liu]: "This is great for the team and great for the program. Amber (Liu) is a great player and experienced in front of her home crowd. Winning that match is a huge boost."