Women's Tennis

Quotes from the NCAA Women's Singles & Doubles Championships - Quarterfinals

May 27, 2006

Recap | Results

5-8 seed Sara Anundsen & Jenna Long, North Carolina
Long on today's win:
"I think we've been playing better and better with each match. The wind was a little rough to get used to, but we played pretty well today and we're happy with it."

Anundsen on preparing for tomorrow's semifinal match:
"We're going to get a good meal tonight and go to bed early, then wake up and get a good warm-up in. We've played both the teams that we'll play the winner of [Fresno State or Miami], so we know how they play and we're just going to prepare for that style of play."

Unseeded Suzi Babos, California
On today's match:
"I was a little bit nervous because I didn't expect to be playing in the quarterfinals. Then, I started playing really well in the first round and gained my confidence back. Today, I stepped on the court knowing that I have already beaten her a couple of weeks ago, so I basically had nothing to lose. I had no pressure, and that's why I could come out with one of my best performances so far."

On preparing for the semifinals:
"I'm going to go to a movie. I just like to relax and go over my objectives for the next match, but I always keep it one match a time. I think it's important to relax and not think too much about the upcoming match."

On playing at Stanford:
"I came to Stanford in my freshman year and played a couple of tournaments here and so far I've only lost one singles match. I'm pretty confident playing on these courts and I love the surface. It's great to have this many people out here. I just loved it."

Unseeded Lindsey Nelson, Southern California
On today's match:
"She is a very, very good player. It was a really different match than yesterday. Yesterday was a lot of long points and these were really short and quick and she hit the ball so hard and I had to really dig and use her pace and it was just a punch-punch-punch in the face match, and I just got down really low and dug it out and tried to keep myself up and positive and know that I can hang in there and beat her and I came back and won."

On coming back after a loss in the first set:
"By the end of the first set, I was getting my rhythm a little but more and getting used to the way she was hitting it, so I was ready in the second set to get down low and make the best of the situation."

On preparing for tomorrow's semifinals:
"I'm going to eat a really good dinner and sleep and stretch."

9-16 seed Theresa Logar, Stanford
On today's match:
"There were a ton of people here, which was sweet. I was like, `I kind of like playing in front of all those people, maybe I'll do this again tomorrow.' So in order to do this tomorrow, I've got to win. And the crowd really helped. I've known Kristi [Miller] since I was about ten, she's from Michigan and I played her a lot, so I know her game pretty well. And that helped. And Lele [Forood] was really helpful."

5-8 seed Lucia Sainz & Katharina Winterhalter, Fresno State
Sainz - on today's match:
"We lost to them at NCAA Regionals 8-4, but we had to just forget about that and play because they had all the pressure. We played really well today. We had to fight all the time."

Winterhalther - On playing in the semifinals tomorrow:
"We just have to stretch a little bit, talk to our coach, go back to the hotel, relax and go through the same routine tomorrow."

On staying focused after winning the first set:
"We tried not to look back because we know they are tough competitors and the more they're behind, the more they compete. We knew we had to start at 0-0 and keep it going from there."

No. 1 Alice Barnes & Anne Yelsey, Stanford
Barnes - On going down in the second set in today's match but winning in two:
"In the second set, I was like, `No, we don't have to go to three sets.' I thought we responded really well."

On playing UCLA, a familiar team:
"Laura Gordon is a senior and I've been playing against her for four years, and Anne played with Riza [Zalameda] in Juniors. We know then inside and out, but it goes both ways because they also know us. I think the strategy was pretty clear on both sides, they know how to play us and we know how to play them. I do enjoy playing them, they play really good doubles and we like both of those girls, so it's always a fun match."

Yelsey - on if they are playing their best doubles of the tournament:
"Of the tournament? Yes, we are definitely playing our best doubles of the tournament right now. You definitely have to play well to beat them in two sets and I think that's what we did today. We have more confidence going into tomorrow."

Unseeded Megan Moutlon-Levy, William & Mary
On today's match:
"I can't too excited because I have another match tomorrow. I'm just trying to stay focused and stay in the present and keep playing point by point and see what happens. It's working well so far."

On the crowd rooting her on:
"These Stanford supporters are awesome and they've come under my wing a little bit, it's quite awesome."