
Stanford-North Carolina State Baseball Quotes (June 2, 2006)

Recap | Box Score | Notes

Opening comments
"It was a great pitching effort by Greg [Reynolds]. He did a great job, and I thought he had really good stuff. I actually thought he got stronger as the game progressed, especially with his fastball. It was really exploding, and he gave us a good pitching performance. It was also important for us to score runs early. I thought we hit really well. We hit the ball hard and that was huge. It helped to give Greg a five-run cushion. We're very fortunate to have a very good pitching performance. They're a very powerful offensive team, so any time you can hold a team below their batting average it is a great effort."

On possibly playing the University of Texas again in the regional (from Thursday's press conference)
"They always have a good team. Even if they are young and inexperienced they have a very rich tradition, and that is why we like to play them [in the regular season]. It is a measuring stick for where we need to improve or get better. Last year, we came here and got swept by Texas, and it was actually pretty good for us. We learned a lot. We always have good games with them, but for our program it is a great measuring stick. Obviously we are familiar with them, which is the good news. And the bad news is the same, that we are familiar with them."

On scoring runs in the first two innings
"We wanted to come out and make a statement with the bats. I think it was big getting to their pitcher early because if you look at his numbers, he is a great pitcher. When you're facing a great arm, it's important to get to him early and carrying it on from there to give Greg [Reynolds] a comfort zone to work with."

On his pitching approach
"Coming into the game, the key for me was to keep my fastball down. The plan was to go in and attack them with my fastball, and along the way, add in some off-speed pitches. I knew if I could keep the fastball down, they would provide the outs themselves."