Duke - Stats

Duke 16, Stanford 9


Stanford vs Duke (Feb 17, 2008) spacer-black.gif

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Lacrosse Box Score

                           Lacrosse Box Score (Final)
                             2008 Stanford Lacrosse
              Stanford vs #3 Duke (Feb 17, 2008 at Dallas, Texas)

Stanford (3-1) vs.                                Score by period       1  2  Tot
Duke (2-0)                                        -------------------------------
Date: Feb 17, 2008  Attendance: 1213              Stanford............  5  4 -  9
Weather: Partly cloudy, windy and chilly          Duke................  8  8 - 16

Stanford SCORING: GOALS: Patterson, Daphne 4; Nesbitt, Karen 2; McClain, Megan
1; Siegfried, Bess 1; Sachs, Maggie 1.
ASSISTS: Christy, Julie 1; Nesbitt, Karen 1; Schwab, Amanda 1.

Duke SCORING: GOALS: Carolyn Davis 3; Megan Del Monte 3; Lindsay Gilbride 2;
Sarah Bullard 2; Emma Hamm 2; Christie Kaestner 2; Morgan Miller 1; Danielle
Kachulis 1.
ASSISTS: Carolyn Davis 3; Megan Del Monte 2; Lindsay Gilbride 2; Sarah Bullard
1; Emma Hamm 1.

Shots by period       1  2  Tot
Stanford............  8 13 - 21
Duke................ 22 14 - 36

Ground balls by prd   1  2  Tot
Stanford............  5 11 - 16
Duke................  8 13 - 21

Draw controls by prd  1  2  Tot
Stanford............  5  6 - 11
Duke................  9  7 - 16

Free-position shots    1     2     Total
Stanford............  3-3   2-7  -  5-10
Duke................  1-6   1-1  -  2-7

Saves by period       1  2  Tot
Stanford............  6  5 - 11
Duke................  3  3 -  6

Fouls by period       1  2  Tot
Stanford............ 13  9 - 22
Duke................ 16 16 - 32

Turnovers by prd      1  2  Tot
Stanford............  8 14 - 22
Duke................  4 10 - 14

Officials: Peggy Cellucci; Nancy Coffman; Rena Whitehouse. Scorer: John Crisafulli.
                                                                      Offical signature

                           Lacrosse Box Score (Final)
                             2008 Stanford Lacrosse
              Stanford vs #3 Duke (Feb 17, 2008 at Dallas, Texas)

Pos. ## Player                       G   A Pts  Sh SOG GB DC  FPS   Face T/O  CT Fouls
G    20 Kim Imbesi..........         -   -   -   -   -  3  -  0-0    -     1   2     -
D    1  Sarah Kirchhofer....         -   -   -   -   -  1  1  0-0    -     1   -     1
M    3  Danielle Kachulis...         1   -   1   2   2  1  -  0-0    -     -   2     -
A    7  Christie Kaestner...         2   -   2   3   3  -  -  0-0    -     1   1     1
D    8  Aiyana Newton.......         -   -   -   -   -  -  -  0-0    -     -   2     2
M    10 Carolyn Davis.......         3   3   6   6   5  -  1  0-0    -     1   -     1
M    15 Jess Adam...........         -   -   -   4   2  3  3  0-3    -     2   3     5
M    19 Sarah Bullard.......         2   1   3   6   5  3  1  0-1    -     1   1     3
A    22 Megan Del Monte.....         3   2   5   4   3  2  -  1-1    -     4   1     1
M    26 Emma Hamm...........         2   1   3   4   2  3  3  1-2    -     -   2     2
M    27 Allie Johnson.......         -   -   -   -   -  1  4  0-0    -     2   -     4
D    32 Christina Germinario         -   -   -   -   -  2  -  0-0    -     -   2     5
     ---------- Substitutes ----------
     14 Betsey Sauer........         -   -   -   -   -  -  -  0-0    -     -   1     -
     17 Morgan Miller.......         1   -   1   3   1  -  -  0-0    -     -   -     1
     18 Lindsay Gilbride....         2   2   4   2   2  1  -  0-0    -     1   -     3
     21 Sara Giedgowd.......         -   -   -   -   -  -  1  0-0    -     -   1     1
     30 Jillian Heinz.......         -   -   -   -   -  -  2  0-0    -     -   -     -
     31 Christie Barnes.....         -   -   -   2   2  1  -  0-0    -     -   -     -

        Totals..............        16   9  25  36  27 21 16  2-7   0-0   14  18    32

Duke                      Minutes   GA   W/L   1   2 Saves
20 Kim Imbesi..........     60:00    9    W    3   3     6

Legend: Sh=shots  SOG-shots on goal  G=goals scored  A=assists  Face=faceoffs  T/O=turnovers
CT=caused turnover  SC=stick check  INT=interception  BLK=blocked pass/shot  DCH=drawn charge

                           Lacrosse Box Score (Final)
                             2008 Stanford Lacrosse
              Stanford vs #3 Duke (Feb 17, 2008 at Dallas, Texas)

Pos. ## Player                       G   A Pts  Sh SOG GB DC  FPS   Face T/O  CT Fouls
G    25 Shane, Laura........         -   -   -   -   -  7  -  0-0    -     1   -     -
D    1  Fanslow, Vicky......         -   -   -   -   -  1  -  0-0    -     1   1     1
M    4  Nesbitt, Karen......         2   1   3   5   3  2  4  2-3    -     -   3     3
M    6  Nesbitt, Jamie......         -   -   -   -   -  -  -  0-0    -     -   -     -
M    13 Christy, Julie......         -   1   1   -   -  -  2  0-0    -     1   -     2
A    14 Hubbard, Claire.....         -   -   -   -   -  -  -  0-0    -     1   -     1
M    17 McClain, Megan......         1   -   1   2   1  -  1  1-1    -     4   -     4
M    18 Siegfried, Bess.....         1   -   1   1   1  -  -  0-0    -     1   -     -
A    20 Lindsay, Dana.......         -   -   -   1   1  1  3  0-0    -     2   -     -
D    22 Ned, Bri............         -   -   -   -   -  2  -  0-0    -     1   -     3
M    31 Lucas, Leigh........         -   -   -   -   -  2  -  0-0    -     2   1     1
A    44 Patterson, Daphne...         4   -   4   9   7  -  -  1-3    -     1   -     -
     ---------- Substitutes ----------
     2  Fluharty, Charity...         -   -   -   -   -  -  -  0-0    -     2   -     1
     5  Aruffo, Ashley......         -   -   -   -   -  -  -  0-0    -     -   -     -
     7  Schwab, Amanda......         -   1   1   -   -  -  -  0-0    -     -   1     -
     8  Fox, Katharine......         -   -   -   1   1  -  -  0-1    -     2   -     2
     9  Flynn, Sarah........         -   -   -   -   -  -  -  0-0    -     -   -     -
     12 Sachs, Maggie.......         1   -   1   1   1  -  -  1-1    -     -   -     -
     15 Foard, Leslie.......         -   -   -   -   -  1  -  0-0    -     1   -     -
     19 Stillwell, Amy......         -   -   -   -   -  -  -  0-0    -     -   -     -
     21 Perlman, Maris......         -   -   -   -   -  -  -  0-0    -     -   -     1
     23 Layden, Emily.......         -   -   -   -   -  -  -  0-0    -     -   -     -
     35 Blahnik, Sarah......         -   -   -   -   -  -  -  0-0    -     -   -     -

        Totals..............         9   3  12  20  15 16 10  5-9   0-0   22   6    22

Stanford                  Minutes   GA   W/L   1   2 Saves
25 Shane, Laura........     60:00   16    L    6   5    11

Legend: Sh=shots  SOG-shots on goal  G=goals scored  A=assists  Face=faceoffs  T/O=turnovers
CT=caused turnover  SC=stick check  INT=interception  BLK=blocked pass/shot  DCH=drawn charge

                           Lacrosse Box Score (Final)
                             2008 Stanford Lacrosse
              Stanford vs #3 Duke (Feb 17, 2008 at Dallas, Texas)

    Prd  Time Team     Type Goal Scorer              Assists
1.  1st 29:21 DUKE     EVEN Carolyn Davis            Unassisted
2.      28:38 STAN     EVEN Patterson, Daphne        Unassisted
3.      27:47 STAN     EVEN Siegfried, Bess          Nesbitt, Karen
4.      22:38 STAN     EVEN Nesbitt, Karen           Free position shot
5.      21:01 DUKE     EVEN Carolyn Davis            Unassisted
6.      19:47 STAN     EVEN Sachs, Maggie            Free position shot
7.      16:55 DUKE     EVEN Megan Del Monte          Unassisted
8.      11:04 DUKE     EVEN Morgan Miller            Unassisted
9.       9:38 STAN     EVEN McClain, Megan           Free position shot
10.      7:23 DUKE     EVEN Emma Hamm                Carolyn Davis
11.      6:49 DUKE     EVEN Lindsay Gilbride         Megan Del Monte
12.      2:48 DUKE     EVEN Megan Del Monte          Free position shot
13.      2:19 DUKE     EVEN Sarah Bullard            Megan Del Monte
14. 2nd 26:09 DUKE     EVEN Danielle Kachulis        Sarah Bullard
15.     22:21 DUKE     EVEN Carolyn Davis            Lindsay Gilbride
16.     20:09 STAN     EVEN Nesbitt, Karen           Free position shot
17.     18:13 DUKE     EVEN Megan Del Monte          Emma Hamm
18.     14:47 DUKE     EVEN Christie Kaestner        Lindsay Gilbride
19.     12:07 STAN     EVEN Patterson, Daphne        Schwab, Amanda
20.      9:19 DUKE     EVEN Christie Kaestner        Carolyn Davis
21.      7:23 DUKE     EVEN Emma Hamm                Free position shot
22.      5:13 STAN     EVEN Patterson, Daphne        Free position shot
23.      4:02 DUKE     EVEN Sarah Bullard            Carolyn Davis
24.      3:13 STAN     EVEN Patterson, Daphne        Christy, Julie
25.      0:20 DUKE     EVEN Lindsay Gilbride         Unassisted

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Play-by-Play Summary

                               Play-by-Play Summary (1st period)
                                     2008 Stanford Lacrosse
                      Stanford vs #3 Duke (Feb 17, 2008 at Dallas, Texas)

      Stanford Starters:                       Duke Starters:
      D   1  Fanslow, Vicky                    D   1  Sarah Kirchhofer
      M   4  Nesbitt, Karen                    M   3  Danielle Kachulis
      M   6  Nesbitt, Jamie                    A   7  Christie Kaestner
      M   13 Christy, Julie                    D   8  Aiyana Newton
      A   14 Hubbard, Claire                   M   10 Carolyn Davis
      M   17 McClain, Megan                    M   15 Jess Adam
      M   18 Siegfried, Bess                   M   19 Sarah Bullard
      A   20 Lindsay, Dana                     G   20 Kim Imbesi
      D   22 Ned, Bri                          A   22 Megan Del Monte
      G   25 Shane, Laura                      M   26 Emma Hamm
      M   31 Lucas, Leigh                      M   27 Allie Johnson
      A   44 Patterson, Daphne                 D   32 Christina Germinario

      [30:00] Shane, Laura at goalie for STAN.
      [30:00] Kim Imbesi at goalie for DUKE.
      [29:54] Draw control by DUKE Allie Johnson.
      [29:21] GOAL by DUKE Carolyn Davis (FIRST GOAL).

====================  STANFORD 0, DUKE 1

      [29:15] Draw control by STAN Lindsay, Dana.
      [28:38] GOAL by STAN Patterson, Daphne.

====================  STANFORD 1, DUKE 1

      [28:25] Foul on DUKE Sarah Bullard.
      [28:25] Draw control by STAN Nesbitt, Karen.
      [27:50] Foul on DUKE Sarah Bullard.
      [27:47] GOAL by STAN Siegfried, Bess, Assist by Nesbitt, Karen.

====================  STANFORD 2, DUKE 1

      [27:45] Foul on STAN Christy, Julie.
      [27:42] Draw control by DUKE Jess Adam.
      [26:52] Foul on STAN Ned, Bri.
      [26:50] Shot by DUKE Jess Adam WIDE {free position shot}.
      [26:32] Ground ball pickup by STAN Lucas, Leigh.
      [26:01] Clear attempt by STAN good.
      [25:47] Turnover by STAN McClain, Megan (caused by Christina Germinario).
      [25:24] Ground ball pickup by DUKE Christina Germinario.
      [25:19] Foul on STAN.
      [25:16] Clear attempt by DUKE good.
      [25:12] Shot by DUKE Carolyn Davis, SAVE Shane, Laura.
      [25:06] Ground ball pickup by STAN Shane, Laura.
      [24:57] Clear attempt by STAN good.
      [24:51] Shot by STAN Nesbitt, Karen, SAVE Kim Imbesi.
      [24:42] Ground ball pickup by DUKE Christina Germinario.
      [24:34] Clear attempt by DUKE good.
      [23:47] Foul on STAN Perlman, Maris.
      [23:34] Shot by DUKE Jess Adam, SAVE Shane, Laura {free position shot}.
      [23:24] Foul on DUKE Emma Hamm.
      [23:01] Clear attempt by STAN good.
      [22:39] Foul on DUKE Christina Germinario.
      [22:38] GOAL by STAN Nesbitt, Karen (FPGOAL) {free position shot}.

====================  STANFORD 3, DUKE 1

      [22:37] Foul on STAN Nesbitt, Karen.
      [22:37] Draw control by DUKE Allie Johnson.
      [21:42] Shot by DUKE Megan Del Monte WIDE.
      [21:01] GOAL by DUKE Carolyn Davis.

====================  STANFORD 3, DUKE 2

      [21:00] Draw control by DUKE Jess Adam.
      [20:49] Foul on DUKE Jess Adam.
      [20:21] Foul on DUKE Aiyana Newton.
      [20:08] Foul on DUKE Christina Germinario.
      [20:01] Free position attempt for STAN.
      [19:49] Foul on DUKE Emma Hamm.
      [19:47] GOAL by STAN Sachs, Maggie (FPGOAL) {free position shot}.

====================  STANFORD 4, DUKE 2

      [19:46] Draw control by DUKE Sara Giedgowd.
      [19:26] Turnover by DUKE Megan Del Monte.
      [19:22] Ground ball pickup by STAN Foard, Leslie.
      [19:03] Turnover by STAN Foard, Leslie (caused by Megan Del Monte).
      [18:57] Ground ball pickup by DUKE Megan Del Monte.
      [18:50] Shot by DUKE Sarah Bullard, SAVE Shane, Laura.
      [18:44] Shot by DUKE Christie Barnes, SAVE Shane, Laura.
      [18:36] Ground ball pickup by STAN Shane, Laura.
      [18:20] Clear attempt by STAN good.
      [17:54] Foul on STAN.
      [16:55] GOAL by DUKE Megan Del Monte.

====================  STANFORD 4, DUKE 3

      [16:51] Draw control by DUKE Jess Adam.
      [16:49] Foul on STAN Christy, Julie.
      [16:26] Turnover by DUKE Jess Adam.
      [16:11] Turnover by STAN McClain, Megan (caused by Danielle Kachulis).
      [15:54] Ground ball pickup by DUKE Jess Adam.
      [15:52] Clear attempt by DUKE good.
      [15:33] Shot by DUKE Jess Adam BLOCKED {free position shot}.
      [15:11] Turnover by STAN (caused by Jess Adam).
      [14:44] Ground ball pickup by DUKE Jess Adam.
      [14:37] Shot by DUKE Morgan Miller WIDE.
      [14:16] Foul on STAN Fanslow, Vicky.
      [14:15] Shot by DUKE Emma Hamm HIGH {free position shot}.
      [13:56] Turnover by DUKE Jess Adam.
      [13:26] Foul on DUKE Morgan Miller.
      [13:18] Clear attempt by STAN good.
      [13:10] Turnover by STAN Fanslow, Vicky.
      [12:37] Foul on STAN Hubbard, Claire.
      [12:33] Clear attempt by DUKE good.
      [11:48] Shot by DUKE Morgan Miller WIDE.
      [11:04] GOAL by DUKE Morgan Miller.

====================  STANFORD 4, DUKE 4

      [10:48] Foul on DUKE Jess Adam.
      [10:43] Draw control by STAN McClain, Megan.
      [10:33] Foul on DUKE Allie Johnson.
      [09:57] Foul on DUKE Jess Adam.
      [09:38] GOAL by STAN McClain, Megan (FPGOAL) {free position shot}.

====================  STANFORD 5, DUKE 4

      [09:30] Draw control by STAN Nesbitt, Karen.
      [09:15] Shot by STAN Patterson, Daphne, SAVE Kim Imbesi.
      [09:09] Ground ball pickup by DUKE Emma Hamm.
      [09:00] Clear attempt by DUKE good.
      [08:41] Shot by DUKE Carolyn Davis WIDE.
      [08:02] Turnover by DUKE Carolyn Davis.
      [07:47] Clear attempt by STAN.
      [07:45] Turnover by STAN Shane, Laura (caused by Christie Kaestner).
      [07:25] Foul on STAN Lucas, Leigh.
      [07:23] Free position attempt for DUKE.
      [07:23] GOAL by DUKE Emma Hamm, Assist by Carolyn Davis.

====================  STANFORD 5, DUKE 5

      [07:21] Draw control by DUKE Emma Hamm.
      [06:49] GOAL by DUKE Lindsay Gilbride, Assist by Megan Del Monte.

====================  STANFORD 5, DUKE 6

      [06:47] Draw control by DUKE Jillian Heinz.
      [06:20] Shot by DUKE Christie Kaestner, SAVE Shane, Laura.
      [06:15] Ground ball pickup by STAN Shane, Laura.
      [05:52] Clear attempt by STAN good.
      [05:15] Foul on DUKE Carolyn Davis.
      [05:00] Shot by STAN Lindsay, Dana, SAVE Kim Imbesi.
      [04:22] Turnover by STAN Patterson, Daphne (caused by Aiyana Newton).
      [04:02] Ground ball pickup by DUKE Kim Imbesi.
      [03:58] Clear attempt by DUKE good.
      [03:52] Shot by DUKE Sarah Bullard WIDE.
      [02:55] Foul on STAN Fox, Katharine.
      [02:48] GOAL by DUKE Megan Del Monte (FPGOAL) {free position shot}.

====================  STANFORD 5, DUKE 7

      [02:44] Draw control by DUKE Allie Johnson.
      [02:42] Foul on STAN McClain, Megan.
      [02:19] GOAL by DUKE Sarah Bullard, Assist by Megan Del Monte.

====================  STANFORD 5, DUKE 8

      [02:16] Draw control by STAN Nesbitt, Karen.
      [02:01] Foul on DUKE Sarah Bullard.
      [00:32] Turnover by STAN McClain, Megan (caused by Danielle Kachulis).
      [00:18] Ground ball pickup by DUKE Allie Johnson.
      [00:12] Clear attempt by DUKE good.
      [00:10] Foul on STAN Nesbitt, Karen.
      [00:07] Shot by DUKE Sarah Bullard, SAVE Shane, Laura {free position shot}.
      [00:07] Foul on DUKE.
      [00:03] Foul on DUKE Christie Kaestner.
      [00:00] End-of-period.

                               Play-by-Play Summary (2nd period)

      Start of 2nd period [30:00].
      [29:55] Draw control by DUKE Sarah Bullard.
      [29:17] Turnover by DUKE Megan Del Monte (caused by Lucas, Leigh).
      [29:12] Ground ball pickup by STAN Lucas, Leigh.
      [29:08] Clear attempt by STAN good.
      [29:05] Turnover by STAN Lucas, Leigh.
      [28:57] Ground ball pickup by DUKE Sarah Bullard.
      [28:55] Clear attempt by DUKE good.
      [28:51] Turnover by DUKE Sarah Bullard.
      [28:37] Ground ball pickup by STAN Ned, Bri.
      [28:33] Turnover by STAN Ned, Bri (caused by Emma Hamm).
      [28:33] Clear attempt by STAN.
      [28:19] Ground ball pickup by DUKE Sarah Bullard.
      [28:05] Clear attempt by DUKE good.
      [27:31] Turnover by DUKE Megan Del Monte (caused by Nesbitt, Karen).
      [27:27] Ground ball pickup by STAN Nesbitt, Karen.
      [27:09] Clear attempt by STAN good.
      [26:24] Turnover by STAN Lindsay, Dana (caused by Christina Germinario).
      [26:20] Ground ball pickup by DUKE Sarah Kirchhofer.
      [26:09] Clear attempt by DUKE good.
      [26:09] GOAL by DUKE Danielle Kachulis, Assist by Sarah Bullard.

====================  STANFORD 5, DUKE 9

      [26:06] Draw control by DUKE Sarah Kirchhofer.
      [25:59] Turnover by DUKE Sarah Kirchhofer.
      [25:52] Ground ball pickup by STAN Lindsay, Dana.
      [25:44] Turnover by STAN Lindsay, Dana (caused by Kim Imbesi).
      [25:40] Ground ball pickup by DUKE Kim Imbesi.
      [25:36] Clear attempt by DUKE good.
      [25:18] Foul on STAN Ned, Bri.
      [25:06] Free position attempt for DUKE.
      [25:01] Turnover by DUKE Christie Kaestner.
      [24:56] Ground ball pickup by STAN Ned, Bri.
      [24:53] Clear attempt by STAN good.
      [24:48] Turnover by STAN Siegfried, Bess (caused by Emma Hamm).
      [24:40] Ground ball pickup by DUKE Emma Hamm.
      [24:29] Clear attempt by DUKE good.
      [23:32] Turnover by DUKE Allie Johnson (caused by Nesbitt, Karen).
      [23:28] Ground ball pickup by STAN Nesbitt, Karen.
      [23:13] Turnover by STAN Lucas, Leigh (caused by Jess Adam).
      [23:06] Ground ball pickup by DUKE Megan Del Monte.
      [23:03] Clear attempt by STAN.
      [23:01] Foul on STAN McClain, Megan.
      [23:00] Shot by STAN Soto, Alicia WIDE {free position shot}.
      [22:21] GOAL by DUKE Carolyn Davis, Assist by Lindsay Gilbride.

====================  STANFORD 5, DUKE 10

      [22:17] Draw control by STAN Lindsay, Dana.
      [21:16] Foul on DUKE Aiyana Newton.
      [20:59] Shot by STAN Nesbitt, Karen HIGH.
      [20:12] Foul on DUKE Sara Giedgowd.
      [20:09] GOAL by STAN Nesbitt, Karen (FPGOAL) {free position shot}.

====================  STANFORD 6, DUKE 10

      [20:06] Draw control by DUKE Jillian Heinz.
      [19:37] Shot by DUKE Carolyn Davis, SAVE Shane, Laura.
      [19:32] Ground ball pickup by STAN Shane, Laura.
      [18:58] Foul on DUKE Lindsay Gilbride.
      [18:49] Clear attempt by STAN good.
      [18:42] Turnover by STAN Christy, Julie.
      [18:20] Clear attempt by DUKE good.
      [18:13] GOAL by DUKE Megan Del Monte, Assist by Emma Hamm.

====================  STANFORD 6, DUKE 11

      [18:10] Draw control by STAN Christy, Julie.
      [17:51] Shot by STAN McClain, Megan BLOCKED.
      [17:21] Turnover by STAN.
      [17:14] Ground ball pickup by DUKE Lindsay Gilbride.
      [17:12] Clear attempt by DUKE good.
      [16:58] Shot by DUKE Christie Barnes, SAVE Shane, Laura.
      [16:36] Ground ball pickup by STAN Shane, Laura.
      [16:23] Clear attempt by STAN good.
      [16:12] Foul on DUKE Christina Germinario.
      [16:00] Free position attempt for STAN.
      [15:55] Turnover by STAN McClain, Megan (caused by Sara Giedgowd).
      [15:38] Clear attempt by DUKE good.
      [14:47] GOAL by DUKE Christie Kaestner, Assist by Lindsay Gilbride.

====================  STANFORD 6, DUKE 12

      [14:41] Foul on DUKE Allie Johnson.
      [14:36] Draw control by STAN Nesbitt, Karen.
      [13:49] Turnover by STAN Hubbard, Claire (caused by Aiyana Newton).
      [13:38] Ground ball pickup by DUKE Kim Imbesi.
      [13:35] Clear attempt by DUKE good.
      [13:31] Turnover by DUKE Lindsay Gilbride (caused by Fanslow, Vicky).
      [13:21] Ground ball pickup by STAN Fanslow, Vicky.
      [13:15] Clear attempt by STAN good.
      [12:57] Foul on DUKE.
      [12:51] Shot by STAN Nesbitt, Karen WIDE {free position shot}.
      [12:37] Foul on STAN Fox, Katharine.
      [12:32] Turnover by STAN Fox, Katharine (caused by Betsey Sauer).
      [12:09] Turnover by DUKE Kim Imbesi (caused by Schwab, Amanda).
      [12:07] GOAL by STAN Patterson, Daphne, Assist by Schwab, Amanda.

====================  STANFORD 7, DUKE 12

      [12:05] Draw control by STAN Lindsay, Dana.
      [11:56] Foul on DUKE Allie Johnson.
      [11:34] Shot by STAN Fox, Katharine, SAVE Kim Imbesi {free position shot}.
      [11:21] Shot by STAN Patterson, Daphne, SAVE Kim Imbesi.
      [11:03] Turnover by STAN Fluharty, Charity (caused by Kim Imbesi).
      [10:49] Ground ball pickup by DUKE Danielle Kachulis.
      [10:48] Clear attempt by DUKE good.
      [10:48] Foul on STAN Ned, Bri.
      [10:47] Free position attempt for DUKE.
      [09:19] GOAL by DUKE Christie Kaestner, Assist by Carolyn Davis.

====================  STANFORD 7, DUKE 13

      [09:18] Draw control by DUKE Carolyn Davis.
      [08:44] Shot by DUKE Danielle Kachulis, SAVE Shane, Laura.
      [08:30] Ground ball pickup by STAN Shane, Laura.
      [08:25] Clear attempt by STAN good.
      [08:07] Foul on DUKE Lindsay Gilbride.
      [07:48] Shot by STAN Patterson, Daphne HIT POST.
      [07:31] Ground ball pickup by DUKE Christie Barnes.
      [07:28] Clear attempt by DUKE good.
      [07:24] Foul on STAN McClain, Megan.
      [07:23] GOAL by DUKE Emma Hamm (FPGOAL) {free position shot}.

====================  STANFORD 7, DUKE 14

      [07:19] Draw control by DUKE Emma Hamm.
      [06:50] Foul on STAN Nesbitt, Karen.
      [06:50] Free position attempt for DUKE.
      [06:27] Foul on DUKE Allie Johnson.
      [06:23] Turnover by DUKE Allie Johnson (caused by Nesbitt, Karen).
      [05:55] Clear attempt by STAN good.
      [05:28] Foul on DUKE Lindsay Gilbride.
      [05:26] Shot by STAN Patterson, Daphne WIDE {free position shot}.
      [05:15] Foul on DUKE Christina Germinario.
      [05:13] GOAL by STAN Patterson, Daphne (FPGOAL) {free position shot}.

====================  STANFORD 8, DUKE 14

      [05:02] Draw control by STAN Christy, Julie.
      [04:51] Foul on DUKE Jess Adam.
      [04:47] Foul on DUKE Christina Germinario.
      [04:27] Foul on DUKE Sarah Kirchhofer.
      [04:20] Shot by STAN Patterson, Daphne, SAVE Kim Imbesi {free position shot}.
      [04:12] Ground ball pickup by DUKE Emma Hamm.
      [04:02] GOAL by DUKE Sarah Bullard, Assist by Carolyn Davis.

====================  STANFORD 8, DUKE 15

      [03:58] Draw control by STAN Soto, Alicia.
      [03:53] Foul on DUKE Jess Adam.
      [03:43] Foul on DUKE Megan Del Monte.
      [03:13] GOAL by STAN Patterson, Daphne, Assist by Christy, Julie.

====================  STANFORD 9, DUKE 15

      [03:08] Draw control by DUKE Emma Hamm.
      [02:26] Turnover by DUKE Megan Del Monte.
      [02:23] Ground ball pickup by STAN Shane, Laura.
      [02:17] Clear attempt by STAN good.
      [02:13] Turnover by STAN Fox, Katharine (caused by Jess Adam).
      [02:06] Ground ball pickup by DUKE Jess Adam.
      [01:51] Clear attempt by DUKE good.
      [01:40] Free position attempt for DUKE.
      [00:56] Shot by DUKE Emma Hamm WIDE.
      [00:49] Foul on STAN.
      [00:45] Shot by DUKE Jess Adam, SAVE Shane, Laura.
      [00:34] Turnover by STAN Fluharty, Charity (caused by Sarah Bullard).
      [00:31] Ground ball pickup by DUKE Sarah Bullard.
      [00:28] Foul on STAN Fluharty, Charity.
      [00:20] GOAL by DUKE Lindsay Gilbride.

====================  STANFORD 9, DUKE 16

      [00:19] Draw control by DUKE Allie Johnson.
      [00:19] Foul on STAN McClain, Megan.
      [00:14] Shot by DUKE Sarah Bullard, SAVE Shane, Laura.
      [00:00] End-of-period.

====================  STANFORD 9, DUKE 16
