Athletics News

Athletic Department


Many times individuals are unsure if they are considered boosters or not. Below we have designed a quiz to help you determine if you are a booster. There are numerous ways to become a booster and it would be impossible to list all of them here. Therefore, if you have any questions, please ASK BEFORE YOU ACT!

1. Are you a member of the Buck/Cardinal Club?
2. Have you given money or a donation to an individual Stanford sport or any portion of the Stanford Athletics Department?
3. Are you a corporate sponsor of the Athletic Department?
4. Have you volunteered your time to the Athletic Department or any individual sport?
5. Are you a member of any Stanford booster organization (12th Man, 6th Man Club, Fast Break Club, etc)?

If you answered "YES" to any of these questions, you are a booster!

Rules for Boosters Regarding PROSPECTIVE Student-Athletes

A Booster May: Continue contact with a prospect as long as the booster has an established relationship prior to the student being a prospect and as long as there is no attempt to recruit the prospect. Watch a prospect's athletic contest, but not have contact with that prospect. Bring to Stanford's attention outstanding prospects from the booster's local area. HOWEVER, a booster may not get involved in the actual evaluation of the prospect, contact a prospect's coach, principal or counselor nor visit the prospect's educational institution to pick up film or transcripts pertaining to the prospect's athletic or academic abilities. Talk to a prospect via telephone if the call is initiated by the prospect. The call cannot be initiated or arranged by Stanford coaching staff members. The booster must refer any questions about Stanford's athletic program to the Athletic Department and the booster may not encourage the prospect to attend Stanford.

A Booster May Not:

Contact a prospect or his/her parents in person, by telephone or in writing (letters or email) for the purpose of recruiting the prospect. Contact may not be made with a prospect or his/her parents on or off the Stanford campus. Approach a Stanford coach who is with a prospect. This puts the coach in an uncomfortable situation because the coach is not able to introduce the booster to the prospect. Have contact with student-athletes at institutions other than Stanford for the purpose of recruiting. Have face-to-face contact with a prospect or his/her family with the purpose of recruiting him/her to Stanford. Mail anything to a prospect. This includes newspapers, clippings, press releases, media guides, posters, game programs, schedule cards, emails, etc. Contact a prospect's counselor, principal or coach in order to evaluate a prospect. Additionally, a booster may not pick up videotapes or transcripts of the prospect at his/her high school or junior college. Provide a prospect or his/her family or friends any extra benefits. A booster may not provide extra benefits to current student-athletes either.

Rules for Boosters Regarding CURRENT Student-Athletes

A Booster May: Provide an occasional family home meal to a student-athlete or an entire team. The meal must take place in the home, NOT a restaurant, however the meal may be catered. Requests for these types of occasional meals should be made through the team. Employ a student-athlete under certain circumstances with prior approval from the Stanford Athletic Department. Student-athletes who are not freshmen may receive employment income in certain situations. Both the student-athlete and the employer must sign a written statement PRIOR to beginning any employment during the academic year. Student-athletes may be compensated only for work actually performed and at a rate commensurate with the going rate in the area for similar services. The general limit on employment earnings that do not count towards NCAA limits is $2000 annually.

A Booster May Not:

Provide extra benefits to any student-athlete and his/her family. Additionally, extra benefits may not be given to a prospect and his/her family. Use the name or picture of a student-athlete to directly or indirectly advertise, recommend or promote the sale or use of a commercial product or service. Provide an honorarium to a student-athlete who has been approved for a speaking engagement. Student-athletes may received only necessary travel expenses for prior approved speaking engagements. Provide free or reduced rate housing for a student athlete or his/her family, even on weekend visits. Additionally, student-athletes are specifically not allowed to house-sit for boosters.

Buck/Cardinal Club Members
The Buck/Cardinal Club is a very valuable part of the Stanford Athletic Department. All present and past members of the Buck/Cardinal Club are considered boosters and therefore are held to these standards. Please review the information on what boosters may or may not do and ASK BEFORE YOU ACT.

Where to Get More Information ASK BEFORE YOU ACT - Know Who to Contact
