Player Bio: Carrie Davis :: Crew

Player Bio: Carrie Davis :: Crew

  Carrie Davis
Carrie Davis
Player Profile
Assistant Women's Coach

Carrie Davis is entering her second season as Stanford's Assistant Women's Crew Coach. Coach Davis is responsible for orchestrating Stanford's recruiting efforts as well as coaching the novices and the varsity four. In her first year on The Farm, Davis had six of her twelve walk-on athletes move into varsity racing boats by the spring racing season. Under her guidance the 2002 varsity four, consisting of three inexperienced rowers, an inexperienced coxswain, and one sophomore, went on to finish 12th at the NCAA Championship.

Davis earned her education degree in 1995 from the University of Michigan. While a member of the Wolverine's first varsity eight from 1992-1995, her crew won a gold medal at the Dad Vail Regatta and participated in the British Women's Henley Regatta.

Davis continued her post collegiate rowing career as a member of the US Lightweight Development team. As a lightweight, she won a silver medal in the straight pair in the 1995 Olympic Festival. She also earned a gold medal in the eight and a silver in the four at the American Rowing Championships. She was a silver medalist in the eight and won a bronze in the pair at the US Nationals that same year.

1996-1998, Davis taught seventh grade English in the Braintree Public Schools located just outside of Boston. She became a coach for the Brookline High School Rowing team that fall, serving first as the novice girls coach, then moved to the varsity assistant position in 1997, and eventually became the head coach in 1998. Her crew then finished fourth at the New England Interscholastic Rowing Association Championships in 1998.

Coach Davis resides in Redwood City.