Stanford University's Official Athletic Site - Women's Soccer


November 12, 2001

Christy LaPierre
Year: Senior
Position: Mid Fielder
Height: 6-1
Hometown: Gold River, CA
High School: Del Campo HS

A Time to Remember
A great deal has occurred since my last installment of "LaPierre's Line-Up." For starters, we have just completed our last weekend of Pac-10 conference matches. Although we fared worse than we had hoped (or expected) by ultimately tying the University of Southern California on Friday evening (in double overtime) and losing by a one goal differential in this Sunday's match versus the University of California at Los Angeles we are confident with our overall potential in the post-season.

Because numerous Stanford families were in town this past weekend, the team felt that there was no better time than to have a parent-child dinner in order to relish our regular season success as well as enjoy one another's company. Thus, on Saturday evening, we each, with our parents, met at the Withers' home in order to celebrate our achievements! Several parents cooked the main course entailing delicious pasta, French rolls, and Caesar salad, while others focused upon the appetizers, drinks, and desserts. It was a wonderful evening, which allowed each of us to reflect upon the past season in a positive light, as well as express our growing excitement for the tournament play ahead!

On Sunday morning, November 11th, the team met at Coach Stephanie's home for pre-game meal. It was a special treat, as very few of the team members had visited her new home, situated adjacent to Stanford's campus. We were delighted to prepare collectively for the afternoon's match versus the Bruins from UCLA. Conscious of the fact that the competition would ultimately decide the 2001 Pac-10 champion, we were anxious to begin the inevitable challenge. Thus, when the referee's whistle echoed throughout the confines of Maloney Field at 1pm, that afternoon, we embraced our trial. Although dominant throughout the majority of the match, we were ultimately unable to prevail as victors and celebrate our triumph. Losing by a one goal differential, we exited the field frustrated with the outcome, however confident in our overall ability.

Personally, I will remember this past Sunday, not just because of the loss versus our Southern California rivals, but also because it was the last time that Carrie Walsh, Amy Sauer, or I will ever experience a regular season home match at Stanford University. Although I had thought about this day several times this past year, I had always felt that it was too far in the future to be emotional. However, on Sunday afternoon, as my mother, father, and I entered the center circle of New Maloney Field (holding hands), I quickly told myself to "take it all in," and enjoy the moment, as I would never, in my entire life, have an experience like this one...

Monday, November 12th, the squad excitedly gathered in Jimmy V's Sports Cafe in order to watch the 2001 NCAA Tournament selection show. Ultimately, we were seeded fifth overall (nationally) and will possess home-field advantage for this upcoming weekend's match. We will battle Denver in our first round and will face the University of California or Saint Mary's College on Sunday if we proceed to the second round of competition. Collectively, we are confident and ready to enter the tournament. Although, we will be challenged in the coming days, we are neither nervous nor apprehensive to battle our competitors upon the pitch. We anticipate our first match and are prepared for the long road to the Final Four!