Price is PerfectPrice is Perfect
Women's Gymnastics

Price is Perfect


STANFORD, Calif. – Elizabeth Price delivered the best performance possible in her home debut Monday night against No. 10 Oregon State in Maples Pavilion.


Performing in the anchor position in the first rotation, Price delivered a flawless vault to earn a perfect 10.0. It is the first 10.0 scored by a Stanford gymnast since Jan. 19, 2007, when Liz Tricase earned a perfect score on bars. It is the first 10.0 by a Cardinal gymnast on vault since Natalie Foley did it on March 20, 2004.

“She’s the real deal, she’s a difference maker,” said Stanford head coach Kristen Smyth. “She brings so much to our team in terms of confidence and power.”

Price’s vault helped lead No. 19 Stanford to a season-high 197.000-196.450 victory against Oregon State. The Cardinal outscored the Beavers in three of four events and three Stanford gymnasts combined for five individual event victories. Stanford hit all 24 of its routines.

“This is a great team,” said Smyth. “They’ve been steady and consistent in the gym and it was nice to see them show that in front of the home crowd."

Along with her perfect vault, Price tied for the individual win on bars with a 9.925. She is undefeated this season in seven individual performances.

Taylor Rice registered a career-best 39.475 in the all-around and tied for the individual victory on floor with a 9.875. She has set three career highs in the all-around this season and has three individual wins in the event. Rice also matched her career best on beam to tie for second with a 9.875.

“Taylor is doing a great job and becoming a real leader on this team, especially in competitions with her consistency and steadiness,” said Smyth.

Becky Wing continued to provide strong performances in the leadoff position on bars and beam, picking up her first individual event win in the latter event with a 9.900. She also contributed a 9.850 on bars.

Stanford got off to a strong start on vault, tying its season-best score of 49.325. Price paced the team with a perfect 10.0, while Rice tied her career best with a 9.900 to tie for third. Danielle McNair and Nicolette McNair had nice showings as well, posting scores of 9.850 and 9.825, respectively.

The Cardinal continued to roll on bars with five of six gymnasts scoring 9.825 or higher. Price placed first with a 9.925 and was followed by Nicolette McNair who finished third with a 9.900. Wing and Samantha Shapiro contributed a pair of 9.850s.

Wing made sure the momentum continued with a meet-best 9.900 in the leadoff position on beam. Rice and Hong tied for second on beam with scores of 9.875. It was a career-best score for Rice and helped Stanford earn a season-high event score of 49.275.

The Cardinal entered the final rotation with a 0.350 edge over the Beavers and made sure it stayed in front with six strong floor routines. Rice led Stanford with a meet-best 9.875, followed by Pauline Hanset and Haley Spector with scores of 9.850. Spector’s score tied her career-best.

“To see Haley step up on floor and perform the way she did was really special to see and deserving,” said Smyth. “She worked hard to have that opportunity and to see her embrace that to cap the night off couldn’t be any better.”

Stanford will look to continue its momentum Saturday when it travels to Tempe, Arizona, to take on the Sun Devils at 6 p.m. (PT).