Women's Gymnastics

Palm Drive, Fountains and Ice Cream

Catching Up With Junior Nicole Hoffman
Why Stanford?
"I came out to the Stanford Gymnastics Camp my freshman year of high school and remember driving down Palm Drive thinking, 'Wow, this is perfect.' From then on, Stanford was my goal. Every time I visited campus it felt like a perfect fit. I also loved the fountains and the fact that you can swim in them."
Most memorable moment?
"Competing at the University of Utah in front of 16,000 fans. I do not think I will ever have another opportunity to perform in front of such a large crowd. Also, move in day my freshman year. I was nervous to leave home and say goodbye to my family, but I met my three roommates and we hit if off right away.
"My parents call me Colie or Remi, my middle name. But most people on the team call me Nicole or Nicoconut because I love coconut."
Favorite TV shows?
"Game of Thrones, New Girl and The Conan O'Brien Show."
Favorite ice cream?
"Mud Pie."
Favorite movie?
"Harry Potter series and Argo."
Favorite book?
"The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls.
Favorite place you have traveled?
"Marco Island, Florida."
Favorite place on campus?
"The pool and Terman Fountain. If anyone is looking for me during spring quarter, I am most likely at one of these two places."
Favorite food?
"Ice cream."     
Favorite candy?
"Skor Bar."
Dream job?
"Sports business management."
Can't leave house without?
"A pint of Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Therapy."
If you could play another sport?