Women's Swimming & Diving

Freshman Features: Daria Lenz

STANFORD, Calif. - In the fourth of a nine-part series, Cardinal fans can get to know one of Stanford's newest divers, Daria Lenz, from Altadena, California.

What are you most looking forward to about Stanford?
I am most looking forward to everyone I will meet on campus! Everyone here is so incredible and unique, and I can't wait to be in an environment surrounded by such passionate people. 
Favorite diving moment so far?
My favorite diving moment so far was qualifying for the Olympic Trials in 2012 with my synchro partner for the 10-meter competition. 
Best part about being a diver?
I think the best part about being a diver is it is both a mental and physical challenge. Conquering my fear or learning a new dive is one of the best feelings to experience!! 

Biggest passion outside of diving?
My biggest passion outside of diving is languages!! I am planning on becoming fully fluent in two languages here at Stanford, so I am super excited! 

Favorite Netflix series right now?
Grey's Anatomy. I have already watched all seasons, but I can re-watch every episode 10 times.

Name three things on your bucket list.
Go skydiving.
Go to all 7 continents.
Swim with dolphins. 
What are your career aspirations after Stanford/diving?
I would love to go in the direction of law! I am planning (right now) on majoring in International Relations, and I would love to work for the UN in human rights and do something related to international law. 

Previous Freshman Features
Sept. 25 - Zoe Bartel
Sept. 26 - Amlie Fackenthal
Sept. 27 - Anya Goeders