Jeff Bartee Photography
Women's Gymnastics

Chalk Talk With Rachael Flam

Rachael Flam is a junior from Houston, Texas, and competes in all-around. A mechanical engineering major, she has participated in every meet the last two seasons and earned four event titles last year, three on vault.

Who inspires you and why?
My siblings! I grew up watching my sister, Jenny, and brother, Patrick, work really hard in school and in athletics. Their passion and commitment to reach their goals has always inspired me to do the same.   

Fun fact?
I love photography! I like taking pictures of people and places.

Favorite Netflix (Hulu, HBOnow, etc. show or movie)
I love Grey's Anatomy!

Which Stanford athlete would you want to trade places with for a day and why?
A soccer player. I played as a child and really enjoyed it. Our Stanford women's team is amazing. They were national champions in 2017 and I have no doubt they will repeat in the coming years.

What is your dream job and what makes it so amazing?
I would love to work at Amazon as a mechanical engineer. My sister works there as an innovation and design engineer and loves it. It would be so cool to work with her one day!

What is the most interesting thing in your purse or wallet?
Peanut butter! I never go anywhere without it :)

Which celebrity would you want to sit next to on a long flight and why?
Jim Carrey. He is so funny and successful.

Go-to order at a café or coffee house?
I love the vanilla sweet cream cold brew from Starbucks!