Jeff Bartee Photography
Women's Gymnastics

Chalk Talk With Grace Garcia

STANFORD, Calif. – Grace Garcia is a junior from New York, N.Y., and competes on vault and the uneven bars. A product design major, she was a National Latin Exam Gold Medalist in Latin II and III in high school, plays the flute, piccolo and saxophone, and does volunteer work for several organizations.

Who inspires you and why?
My dad. He is one of the kindest and most welcoming people I have ever met. He is always doing what he loves and fully living his life the way he wants.

Fun fact?
I worked with the Oakland Athletics this simmer as a social media marketing intern.

Which Stanford student-athlete would you want to trade places with for a day?
Any volleyball player because they're traditionally built very differently from gymnasts and I would want to see how I would do at it.

Favorite song lyrics or song that best describes you?
"I keep my twisted grill, just to show the kids its real. We ain't picture perfect, but we worth the picture still." The song is from Crooked Smile by J. Cole and I specifically like these lyrics because it reminds me that instead of trying to change myself in any way, I should work with what I have to become who I want to be.

Favorite Netflix (Hulu, HBOnow, etc.) show or movie?
Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

Go-to order at a café or coffee house?
Cold brew with oat milk (delicious, trust me).

Favorite mode of transportation around campus?
My bike.

Which celebrity would you want to sit next to on a long flight and why?
Chris Pratt, because he's super funny and goofy.