Winter Cup UpdateWinter Cup Update
Men's Gymnastics

Winter Cup Update

STANFORD, Calif. - Due to the unprecedented weather in Texas hindering proper training and preparation, the decision was made to withdraw Ian Gunther, Brody Malone, Brandon Briones, Jeremy Bischoff and Colt Walker from USA Championships Winter Cup competition next week. Stanford will still be represented by current sophomore Riley Loos, former Cardinal Robert Neff and Eddie Penev, and future Cardinal Taylor Burkhart, Nick Kuebler and Khoi Young at the Winter Cup.

Former Cardinal Akash Modi and Grant Breckenridge, members of the USA Senior National Team along with Malone, have also withdrawn from Winter Cup competition due to the inability to train in Texas.

The five current Stanford gymnasts have flown back to Stanford and will rejoin team activities after they have completed the mandatory 10-day quarantine period.

All five athletes had pre-qualified for the USA Championships in June.