Bob Drebin /

Meet the Seniors

With the 2021 season underway, will be offering a glimpse into the lives behind the Stanford baseball team. Today we feature a Q&A with members of our senior class - Brendan Beck (Corona, Calif. / Corona), Nick Brueser (Chandler, Ariz. / Hamilton), Zach Grech (Las Vegas, Nev. / Bishop Gorman), Jacob Palisch (Richardson, Texas / Jesuit College Prep), Christian Robinson (Melbourne, Fla. / Viera), Zach Sehgal (La Jolla, Calif. / La Jolla), Tim Tawa (West Linn, Ore. / West Linn) , Austin Weiermiller (Milton, Ga. / Cambridge) and Jonathan Worley (San Diego, Calif. / High Tech High).

Q: How did you get into baseball?
Brendan Beck: Watching my dad and brother.
Nick Brueser: Ever since I was a kid I loved sports and played them all. Loved sports where I could swing the most. Naturally, that brought me towards baseball and golf. I was just a little better at baseball.
Zach Grech: My best friend signed up for T-ball so I joined.
Jacob Palisch: I just wanted to play as many sports as possible, and be just like my older brothers.
Christian Robinson: Started playing on the same teams as my older brother.
Zach Sehgal: My dad.
Tim Tawa: I just loved playing sports when I was younger... baseball was part of that and I fell in love with the game.
Austin Weiermiller: I started playing when I was four years old. My first word was ball, and everywhere I went I had to have a ball in my hand.
Jonathan Worley: I started in Little League with all of my friends and never looked back!
Q: Who is your role model?
Brendan Beck: My grandpa because he was always there for me and paved his own successful paths with many turns and not a lot of help.
Nick Brueser: My parents. They have taught me everything I know and continue to help me grow and support me.
Zach Grech: My parents. I couldn't have asked for better people to look up to.
Jacob Palisch: Probably my brothers. Both have not only pushed me to be better, but also shown me how to work hard for what you want, instead of just hoping it'll be given to you.
Christian Robinson: My little sister, she demonstrates consistency, excellence, and entrepreneurial spirit through her baking. @thecozyoven on Instagram.
Zach Sehgal: My dad because he is always there for me and my family no matter what.
Tim Tawa: My parents. They are the most selfless, loving, kind, and supportive people I know. They have shaped me into the person I am today and I will be forever grateful.
Austin Weiermiller: My sister, Brynn, is my role model because of her positive personality and her passion for chasing her dreams no matter what other people think.
Jonathan Worley: My parents, for providing my brother and I with anything we've needed to be happy and successful.
Q: If you could switch places with any person for a day, who would you switch with?
Brendan Beck: LeBron James.
Nick Brueser: Shaun White.
Jacob Palisch: Me freshman year spring.
Christian Robinson: The president.
Zach Sehgal: Leonardo DiCaprio.
Tim Tawa: Good question. If I was going to pick an athlete, I'd pick LeBron James or Mike Trout. Other people that come to mind are Barack Obama and Matt Damon.
Austin Weiermiller: I would switch with Thomas Eager. It would basically be an off day.
Jonathan Worley: Brendan Beck, to know what it would be like to be Tristan Beck's brother.

Q: What is your favorite way to spend a day off?
Brendan Beck: Videogames and movies with friends.
Nick Brueser: Read, rest, play golf.
Zach Grech: Hanging out at Sunken Diamond, and maybe a little golf.
Jacob Palisch: Probably playing golf with my teammates or brothers.
Christian Robinson: Something outdoors.
Zach Sehgal: Hanging out with my friends.
Tim Tawa: Either relaxing with family or playing golf.
Austin Weiermiller: Wake up late, read the paper with a morning coffee, play 18 holes with Brueser and grab a steak dinner at Sundance.
Jonathan Worley: Getting outside and going to the beach or mountains.
Q: What sport would you want to play at Stanford, other than baseball?
Brendan Beck: Golf or Water Polo.
Nick Brueser: Golf.
Jacob Palisch: Football or golf, though I'm not very good at golf.
Christian Robinson: Soccer or football.
Zach Sehgal: Golf.
Tim Tawa: Football. I played in high school and still love throwing the ball around with my brothers when I am back home.
Austin Weiermiller: Golf.

Q: What's the TV show you've binge-watched the most?
Brendan Beck: How I Met Your Mother.
Nick Brueser: Curb Your Enthusiasm.
Zach Grech: The Office.
Jacob Palisch: Either Community or Parks and Rec.
Christian Robinson: Seal Team.
Zach Sehgal: The League.
Tim Tawa: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. My brother showed me it and ever since The Office got taken off Netflix (which used to be my go-to), I have been watching that.
Austin Weiermiller: Ozark.
Jonathan Worley: Game of Thrones.

Q: If you had to make a meal for your team, what would you cook?
Brendan Beck: Chicken Enchiladas.
Nick Brueser: Chicken Parm.
Zach Grech: Ribeye with sides of kale, mushrooms, and onions.
Jacob Palisch: I think shredded Buffalo chicken quesadillas would be a big hit.
Christian Robinson: Steak, Beef Wellington if we're being classy.
Zach Sehgal: Order takeout and act like I cooked it.
Tim Tawa: Grilled chicken and steak tacos... Not too difficult and so good!
Austin Weiermiller: 10 oz filet medium rare with mashed potatoes and green beans.
Jonathan Worley: Chicken tacos.