Women's Golf

Season Ends In Semis

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. – No. 1 seed Stanford women's golf saw its season come to a close in the NCAA Semifinals with a 3-1 loss to No. 5 seed USC on Tuesday evening at Grayhawk Golf Club.
The Cardinal closes one of the most dominant seasons in women's collegiate golf history one win shy of a repeat National Championship match appearance.
Kelly Xu picked up Stanford's lone win in the match, although Sadie Englemann held a 1up lead through 17 when the match was halted.
USC 3, Stanford 1
Xu (Stanford) def. Park (USC), 2&1
Kou (USC) def. Ganne (Stanford), 2&1
Wang (USC) def. Seay (Stanford), 2&1
Englemann (Stanford) led Avery (USC), 1up through 17
Navarrosa (USC) def. Zhang (Stanford), 2&1