April 8, 2005
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April 8, 2005
Honoring the Game is the theme for The Youth Sports Festival andSeminars at Stanford University - a one-day community outreach eventthat will take place on Saturday, June 25 from 8:30-4:30 pm.
The event features sports clinics hosted by Stanford Universitystudent-athletes and coaches for children ages 8-14, two seminars onthe impact of sports participation, a panel discussion with formerStanford student-athletes and numerous interactive exhibits in afestival atmosphere. All events are free and open to the public. Thefirst 1,000 children to register will receive a free Youth Festivalt-shirt.
All events will take place in Athletic Department facilities. Sportsclinics will be held at Sunken Diamond, Maples Pavilion, Taube FamilyTennis Stadium, Boyd and Jill Smith Softball Field, Maloney SoccerField and the Avery Aquatics Center. Interactive exhibits will be heldat Cobb Track and Angell Field while the two seminars will take placein the Arrillaga Family Sports Center.
Sports clinics will be hosted by Stanford University student-athletesand coaches. There will be four scheduled clinics in baseball,softball, boys and girls basketball and boys and girls soccer. Twotennis "Play Days" will take place during the day as well as anall-comers swim meet at Stanford's world-class facility
Two seminars will take a closer look at the role sports plays insociety. The first seminar, Sports and Goodness in Life, asks "Doesparticipation in competitive sports encourage the living of an ethicallife?
The second seminar, Sports and Success in Life, will discuss thequestion, "Does involvement in sports automatically lead to success inlife? And does one have to be successful in sports or is it enough tohave participated? These two seminars will include Stanford Universityscholars and former Stanford University student-athletes.
A festival of interactive sports exhibits could include such sportsas lacrosse, fencing, crew, field hockey, gymnastics, ultimateFrisbee and rugby, to name a few. Parents and children alike willhave the opportunity to participate and try their hands at thesevarious sports.
One of the day's highlights will be a panel discussion with formerStanford University student-athletes. These former Cardinal starswill discuss how sports have impacted their lives and the lifelessons they have learned through participation in competitivesports.
For further information on The Youth Sports Festival atStanford University, go to www.gostanford.com or call (650) 724-3910.