
Stanford Captures Conference Title

April 23, 2013

STANFORD, Calif. - Stanford finished better than third in three regattas and claimed the Pacific Coast Collegiate Sailing Conference women's league title last weekend while continuing what has been a landmark spring for the program.

Stanford won the women's championship by 40 points to earn a spot in the national finals and placed third at the Thompson Trophy. The Cardinal also won the Admiral's Cup.

It marked the second straight season Stanford swept each of the PCCSC titles.

Next weekend, the Cardinal will compete in the ICSA Coed Semifinals in Norfolk, Va.

Stanford cruised to a victory at home over seven other teams in the PCCSC women's race, claiming the Charlie Dole Trophy and a spot in next month's ICSA Women's Nationals. Skippers Sally Mace and Yuki Yoshiyasu along with crews Katie Riklin, Natalie Urban and Michelle Catania propelled Stanford to 61 points, well ahead of second-place Hawaii (101) and third-place Santa Clara (129).

The Cardinal was first in both the A-Division (33) and B-Division (28).

In similar fashion, Stanford finished first at the Admiral's Cup in King's Point, N.Y., with 192 points and a sizeable lead over second-place St. Mary's College of Maryland (268). The Cardinal demonstrated its roster depth by coming in at fourth, second and first, respectively, in the A-, B- and C-Division races.

The A-Division unit of Oliver Toole, Antoine Screve, Haley Kirk and Rebecca King posted 99 points, with Hans Henken, Yuri Namikawa and King scoring 66 in the B-Division. Kieran Chung-Wolf scoring 27 points, comfortably ahead of second-place Dartmouth (84) in the C-Division.

Roger Williams (106) took home the Thompson Trophy hosted by Connecticut College. Boston College (120) eked out a second-place finish just ahead of Stanford, who came in third with 122 points.

The Cardinal was third in the A-Division (68) and second in the B-Division (54). Kevin Laube, Kelly Ortel, Mateo Vargas and Tally Buckstaff represented the Cardinal in the coed racing.

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