Women's Lacrosse

Freshmen Features: Part III

STANFORD, Calif. - Freshmen from the Stanford women's lacrosse team answer some frequently asked questions and give some insight into what it's like to be a freshman at Stanford. Our third installment: 
 What is your favorite class so far and why?
Rachel Cowan (Cherry Hills Village, Colorado)
My favorite class so far is economics because of our top-notch professor and the content of the class. It's super interesting to look at the world from an economic standpoint and understand something that is part of our everyday lives.

Trudie Grattan (Richmond, Virginia)
My favorite class is my intro seminar called "The Sensory Ecology of Marine Animals." Every week we pick a topic we want to research and give a presentation on, and the topics are always super interesting.

Katherine Gjertsen (Winnetka, Illinois)
I am currently in Psych One, and it has quickly become one of my favorite classes. The content is already very interesting on its own, but with professors who make lectures engaging and pertinent to everyday life, the experience of learning the material is heightened.

Galen Lew (Glen Ridge, New Jersey)
I really have enjoyed Psychology 101, mostly freshmen take it so I have enjoyed being able to transition into a college course such as this one. It is taught by very intelligent professors who are engaging with their students.

Gabby Noto (Atherton, California)
My favorite class right now is Media and Economics. It's very interesting to learn about and look through different lenses of media in the world and the market it creates.

Chelsea Trattner (Ridgewood, New Jersey)
My favorite class so far is my intro seminar called "Genes, Memes and Behavior." I've never taken a psychology-based class and have been really surprised by how intriguing I find it. I think it's really interesting to understand why people are who they are. We discuss how both genes and memes (not the internet type) shape a person. I find myself applying what I have learned to understand things in everyday life. We also learn about genetic editing and I really like debating the ethics behind that.

Marianna Salvatori (Baltimore, Maryland)
My favorite class so far is PWR (Program in Writing and Rhetoric) because we are studying the rhetoric of hip-hop music. It is a small class of 20 students so all of the class activities are very interactive.

Taylor Scornavacco (San Diego, California)
My favorite class would probably have to be my Orthopedics/Sports Medicine class because I have an interest in the field, and I've met a lot of very impressive people, most of which happen to be fellow student-athletes.

Past/Future Freshmen Features:
» At what moment did you know you wanted to attend Stanford?
» What has surprised you the most about your first few months on campus?
» What were you most nervous about starting your freshman year and how has that changed?
» Describe what the team dynamic is like.
» What is your favorite part about California?
» What advice would you give to future Cardinal laxers?  
