Stanford in ScotlandStanford in Scotland
Bob Drebin /
Women's Golf

Stanford in Scotland

The Stanford women's golf program heads to Scotland for a foreign tour of the birthplace of golf from Sept. 7-15. Throughout the trip, sophomore Calista Reyes will be taking you behind the scenes with insights into what the team is doing - what courses they're playing, what sights and landmarks they're visiting and what they're learning along the way.

Day 9: The End
Almost exactly a week later, I again, find myself in the JFK Airport waiting to board my second flight of the day. However, this time I am no longer anticipating my arrival in Scotland and the adventure ahead. Now, I can only reminisce, look through all the photos and videos we took this week, think of how many things we were able to see and do in one week, and finish the process of storing all these great memories in our memory bank. To better recap the week, I have asked my teammates and coaches their favorite highlight of this trip:

Ziyi Wang: My favorite memory was supporting Europe and watching both rounds of Saturday's Solheim Cup matches in the freezing Scottish drizzle and superstars Juli Inskster and Kathryn Imrie stepping out of the ropes to give me a hug.

Madie Chou: My favorite memory was walking down the Old Course and standing on the Swilcan bridge with the team!

Andrea Lee: My highlight of the week had to be playing a round at Kingsbarns, with stunning views, great weather, and fun company. Spending quality time with the whole team throughout the week was the best, but the golf at Kingsbarns definitely stood out as one of my favorite rounds of all time.

Mika Liu: I thought it was awesome that we all got to dress up and eat dinner together as a team for so many days. It's not often that we get to do that.

Kelsey Zeng: It's tough to choose just one highlight during a trip like this! Spending time with these teammates is always a blast, and playing the sport that brought us together in its "home" was extra special. Also, Scottish coffee shops are amazing!

Aline Krauter: My highlight of the week had to be enjoying the beautiful sunrise on the St. Andrews Old Course during breakfast every morning.

Angelina Ye: I think everything about this trip has been amazing and has been a super memorable experience. But it's the little things that stand out. Like when Maddie volunteered to run back to the hotel with me to get my credit card and ID. It's touching that she would walk all the way back with me, taking care of us freshmen haha. This shows how tight-knit the team is, always willing to help each other. Also, my favorite meal was definitely at The Dunvegan, super fun and delicious.

Brooke Seay: As a freshman, the highlight for me was just getting to spend quality time with my teammates before school starts. Exploring unfamiliar places, trying new foods, and battling the tough course conditions together was a great way to bond.

Maddie Shiels: My favorite memory was the back nine at Kingsbarns. With the ocean in sight on nearly every hole, the sunset turning the fairways golden, the wind settled down, and knowing it was our last round of the trip, I was feeling super grateful to be sharing a pilgrimage to the home of golf with girls from all around the world who I never would have met if it weren't for the game we all love!

Lauren Dobashi: My highlight was definitely playing golf in Scotland and getting a wide variety of types of courses especially Lundin links I think that was my favorite because of the views and seemed more traditional style golf. Also just being able to spend time with the team as a fun trip not a tournament super fun experience!

I personally enjoyed every second of this trip, the early morning alarms, the 36-hole rounds, the day long excursions and all. My highlight of the week had to be when the team and I toured Edinburgh together right after we got off the plane on Sunday. Even after getting little to no sleep, this didn't stop the team from making the most of the day, sharing many laughs, taking in the beautiful sights and sounds of the city, and fully enjoying each other's company. I am positive that this trip was not only a great way to reconnect with our teammates after a long summer away from each other, but it was also a great way for the team get to know the new freshmen on the team, build up the team spirit, and strengthen the team's bond. I can't wait to spend the 2019-2020 school year and golf season with these girls! This is a trip that I will forever be grateful for and something I will remember for the rest of my life. 

It had been a absolute blast sharing these amazing experiences with you throughout the week! I hope you all enjoyed this blog and thank you to everyone who followed along! Go Card!

Signing off,
Calista Reyes

Day 8: Solheim Cup Day
The crowds energy today was exhilarating. From the Olè's and USA's bouncing back and forth on the first tee, to the loud cheers for the birdies and the sighs for lipped putts. The team chants and cheers are ringing in my ears until now. Today, the team and I had the privilege of watching both the Saturday Foursome and Fourball matches at the Solheim Cup. With our multiple layers of clothing and beanies on our head, we faced the strong winds, light drizzle, and cold temperatures as we walked alongside the LPGA players. It was such a great experience to watch the event in person as the energy that you get from fellow fans is not something that can be transferred through a TV screen. In addition, it was so cool to observe how the players played in the tough Scottish weather conditions, how they interacted with each other in the unique team format and also how they composed themselves in the midst of loud fans.

What a day! After spending 10 hrs at Gleneagles watching spectacular golf, I almost forgot that this would be our very last day spent in Scotland. I'm not ready to say good bye just yet. Stay tuned for the final blog of the week tomorrow!

Days 6 and 7: Local Knowledge
The past 48 hours have been a bit of a whirlwind. Yesterday, the team played a great match against the Scottish National Team at the St. Andrews Castle Course. We not only experienced playing in 40-50 mph winds on a fairly hilly, dunes style, golf course, but also learned some local knowledge from the Scottish team ranging from regional sayings and local lingo to great food spots to check out in the area. In the evening, the whole team and all the coaches enjoyed a three course dinner at Forgans St. Andrews, consisting of scallops, duck pot pie, and sticky toffee pudding.

Today, the team started the day off early with a guided tour led by our local tour guide Fergus. On the tour we learned more about the history of St. Andrews and specifically the backstory behind the Castle and Cathedral ruins and how the Protestant Revolution played a big role in their destruction. In addition, we made stops at several St. Andrews University buildings and the University Chapel learning about the school's history, its famous alumni, and some school traditions. Our last tour stop was behind the 18th green on the Old Course where we learned about how the St. Andrews golf course practically built itself. It was amazing to think that on the course that stood before us today required no manipulation and was purely a creation made by the natural forces of the wind and rain. Finding out this historical piece of information gave us all a greater appreciation for the Old Course's beauty and it's importance in golf's long history.
After the tour, we made our way over to Kingsbarns Golf Links for our afternoon tee time. Of all the courses this week, Kingsbarns had the most eye catching ocean views, the deepest pot bunkers, and the most unique layout all combined with great weather. I personally couldn't imagine a better place to play our final round in Scotland. Unfortunately our time in Scotland is coming to an end. Only one more day in this beautiful country. I don't think I'm ready to leave just yet :(.

Day 5: Gusty winds but great company
The Scottish winds finally made an appearance on the course today. This morning, the team and I played at Lundin Golf Club which is located 30 minutes from St. Andrews and alongside the Firth of Fourth, a coastal body of water connecting several Scottish rivers. Despite the 30 mph winds, the team's attention was naturally drawn to the spectacular water views specifically on the front 9. The course had fairly open fairways with pot bunkers sneakily placed in different parts. There were also a few blind holes which made for very fun tee shots especially with the strong winds blowing from every direction. After the round, the course received many compliments from the team and has so far been deemed as the team's course of the week. Still two more rounds of golf so we will see if this opinion changes throughout the week.

After the round, the team had a few hours of free time before dinner. We spent this time engaging in various activities which included napping, walking along the St. Andrews Beach, grabbing a mid-day snack in town, and even enjoying a good book while drinking tea in the hotel's small library room. To cap off a great day, the team enjoyed a delicious dinner at one of St. Andrews historic restaurants, The Dunvegan. Right when we walked into the door, the whole team received a warm welcome from the restaurant staff. Aside from the amazing service, the meal was so far the best of the week. The team favorite had to be the Rack of Lamb entree, a Dunvegan house specialty. After a very productive day, it is time to rest up for our team match against the Scotland Ladies Team! Goodnight!

Day 4: Tourist for the day
I finally tried haggis this morning. At first glance it looked like a mix of ground beef and rice pilaf. My teammates and I all stared at it for almost a minute before any of us decided to taste it. We knew what haggis was comprised of and were aware of some of its unique ingredients. However, after finally coming around to taking a bite, we were all pleasantly surprised to find out it tasted like a few dishes we have eaten in the past. One mentioned that haggis tasted like thanksgiving stuffing, another said it tasted like sausage. No regrets!

After exploring other parts of Edinburgh in the morning, the team and I loaded up the bus once again and made our way up north to the historic St. Andrews. Almost the whole team was asleep for the duration of the bus ride and woke up to the sight of the iconic St. Andrews Old Course. For the next four nights, the team will be staying at the Old Course hotel, which overlooks the infamous 17th Road Hole! What a treat! After checking in, the team and I were eager to start exploring. Together, the team walked out to our hotel's "backyard" and stood in awe of not only the Old Course's beauty but also contemplated the sheer fact that we were literally standing on what is known to be 'The Home of Golf!' The team and I then made our way through town, St. Andrews University, and even all the way down to the eastern end of town where the St. Andrews Cathedral and Castle ruins lay. This afternoon and this evening we finally experienced the typical Scottish weather as rain and winds unexpectedly appeared as we were walking back to the hotel. Looking at the weather channel, it looks to be a fairly gusty day tomorrow; perfect conditions for experiencing true links golf. Stay tuned!

Day 3: First day on the links
My alarm went off at 6 a.m. this morning. At 6:30 sharp, we made our way down to breakfast where we found an assortment of classic breakfast items alongside traditional Scottish staples. Though I did not try the haggis this morning, myself and a few of my teammates look forward to giving the dish a chance tomorrow morning at breakfast. Stay tuned for the food critique! Shortly after we finished up our morning meal, we loaded up the team bus and were on our way!

On the 45 minute bus ride to the first golf course of the day, Gullane Golf Club No. 2, we watched the gradual transition from urban Edinburgh to grass-lined country side. Gullane GC was located next to Aberlady Bay, a beautiful body of water located off the coast of Scotland. It is crazy to think that today, the team and I played courses that have hosted rounds of golf for over hundreds of years! Fairly secluded from any busy roads and nearby houses, Gullane provided great views and such a serene atmosphere to play in. In comparison, North Berwick Golf Club, located at the Scottish coast, was much closer to the surrounding town as beautiful brown pastel colored houses and stone walls lined the fairways. Thankfully, Mother Nature blessed us with great weather that consisted of more sunshine than rain, and light gusts of wind that came and went. The calmness of our environment combined with the ideal weather conditions today made for two great rounds of golf filled with many birdies, a handful of shots out of pot bunkers, and even a few shots over and even off of the stone walls. All in all, the team had a successful day on the course. After 36 today, we are definitely going to sleep well tonight!

Day 2: Edinburgh we have arrived!
The plane landing, passport control and the retrieval of our bags were all a blur. One minute we were in the air and the next thing you know, the team and I were loading up our bus and on our way to tour the city. With the help of a few cups of coffee, excitement, and good weather, we were all able to fight off the jet lag that was starting to set into our bodies. Today's daily adventure started with a quick stop for homemade scones, coffee, and tea at the local Devon Brodie's Tavern. The team then walked off the calories and took in the sights and sounds of the city, watched a few local street performers, walked through a few kilt and Scottish gift shops and took a lot of photos in Edinburgh's picturesque streets. The team and I were also able to stop by the Scottish National Gallery and admire Scotland's rich artistic history and see how artistic style and theme changed throughout the years. In addition, a gallery specifically showcasing Scottish based artists depicted scenes of Scottish domestic life throughout the years and even highlighted significant artistic movements that influenced Scotland during certain periods of time. Of all the day's events, the highlight of our day had to be the dinner at the Edinburgh Castle. We all climbed a spiral staircase winding up to a guarded rooftop where we could see the whole city below us, the Royal Mile, Princes Street, the Museum and all. It was truly a sight to see! Having this opportunity to eat dinner inside Edinburgh's historical fortress is not something you get to experience everyday. Now time to rest up for our first 36 holes of Scottish golf! Stay tuned!

Day 1: Travel Day
For weeks the team and I have been filled with excitement and anticipation for our Scotland adventure. The day has finally arrived! With my golf bag and suitcase in hand, I walked through the doors of the San Diego International airport and mentally prepared for a full day of travel. In approximately 14 hours I'd be stepping foot in a new country for the first time.

I'm currently sitting in Terminal 2 of the JFK New York airport where myself and a few of my teammates are taking a connecting flight on our way to Edinburgh. One flight down, one more to go! However, before I step foot on Scottish grounds, I thought I would compose a list and share the 10 things I am most looking forward to this week:

  1. Reuniting with my team and coaches after almost 3 months!
  2. Walking the Royal Mile and taking in Edinburgh's picturesque, medieval, architectural style
  3. Touring and dining at the Edinburgh Castle
  4. Playing five rounds in the HOME of golf
  5. Hitting out of a pot bunker for the first time
  6. Testing all parts of my game in the Scottish wind and rain
  7. Enjoying a full Scottish breakfast
  8. Trying Haggis ... maybe
  9. Spending a day cheering on both teams at The Solheim Cup
  10. Creating lifelong memories with my teammates and coaches

I am so EXCITED for the week ahead and I can't wait to share the team's daily adventures through Scotland with all of you.

Go Card!
Calista Reyes