Scott Gould/isiphotos.com
Field Hockey

Winter Leads Field Hockey’s Dominance of Davis

DAVIS, Calif. – Scoring early and often on its return to the West Coast, Stanford field hockey trounced UC Davis, 5-0, on Sunday morning at the Aggie Field Hockey Facility. The Cardinal improves to 3-5 this season with a 1-2 mark in the America East.

Senior Rose Winter paced the offense with a career-best two goals and one assist, giving her a new career high of five points in the contest. Senior Lynn Vanderstichele and junior Haley Mossmer tallied a goal and an assist each, while senior Isabelle Pilson opened the scoring in the first quarter. Senior Fenella Scutt and sophomore Cara Sambeth each dished an assist, while freshmen Kendall Dowd and Daisy Ford shared the shutout between the posts.

"This is what trusting the process looks like and how we perform when we take risk in practice," said head coach Roz Ellis. "We had a high focus on goal scoring as a unit, creating space for anyone to have the opportunity. I am very proud of their commitment to our game plan today."

Pilson broke the deadlock after just 2:40 in the first quarter, poking home a pass from Vanderstichele on the Cardinal's opening penalty corner. Winter doubled the Cardinal lead less than four minutes later with a reverse shot from the left side, coming off the feed from Mossmer. Adding to the tally herself, Mossmer gave the Cardinal a 3-0 lead at the 18-minute mark.

The Cardinal kept the foot on the pedal coming out of the intermission, as Vanderstichele interceped an errant pass along the Davis back line and deked past the goalkeeper to slot away the fourth score of the game. Winter closed the scoring with her second of the game in the 58th minute, slamming home a pass from Sambeth on the penalty corner.

Stanford will ready for three contests in five days on the East Coast, beginning Wednesday, Oct. 5 at Syracuse. The action will air on the ACC Network.