Saturday SplitSaturday Split
Women's Lightweight Rowing

Saturday Split

PRINCETON, N.J. -  No. 4 Stanford lights split two races against No. 1 Princeton on Saturday in the Princeton Class of 2015 Cup.

The Cardinal Varsity Eight started the morning with a second place finish by a 10.40 margin in the Cup. The Varsity Four followed that, taking first with a close 1.60 margin of victory at 7:38.600.

Stanford is back home next week in the sole home dual of the season against Wisconsin.

Varsity Eight

  1. Princeton            6:43.250
  2. Stanford              6:53.650

Varsity Four

  1. Stanford              7:38.600
  2. Princeton A         7.40.200
  3. Princeton B         8:03.300

Varsity 8+
Coxswain: Lydia Garnett
Stroke Seat: Juliette Lermusiax
7: Hannah Justicz
6: Emily Molins
5: Caitlyn Holmstrom
4: Lauren Howe
3: Annie Cloud
2: Charlotte Burnham
Bow Seat: Mikayla Chen

Varsity 4+
Coxswain: Isha Mehrortra
Stroke Seat: Ella Moore
3: Sophie Molins
2: Brooke Ruszkiewicz
Bow Seat: Dhamanpreet Kaur